The Story of Problem Solving

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It's okay to lose your pride over someone you love. It's not okay to lose someone you love over your pride.


"Don't follow me go back inside and face your own problems!" Parker shouts.

"Right now the only problem I have is you and I can't look at your face without wanting to punch it!" I bark at him.

"You don't need to know all of my problems, Lennon! I'm not some girl that pours her heart out to the first guy that talks to her!" Parker spats.

"I'm not that girl either! I started getting stalked the first time we ever started the project! And guess what! Five weeks later you find out! You didn't know I had a worst fear until last week! And I think it's pretty obvious that my mom died since there are pictures of her everywhere and on the fridge is the fucking funeral invitation. God knows why we have that up there! But we do!" I scream at him. I'm pretty hurt that he thinks I do that. And embarrassed. I saw some spit flying before from my mouth.

"You don't get it, Lennon! I don't want to hear your problems! For Pete's sake I have enough of my own!" Parker yells and I flinch when his hand comes up. I know he is just waving it for exaggeration and not because he is going to hit me but I can't seem to help it when he's angry.

"They tell me your damned problems! That's what best friends do right? Tell each other their problems!" I screech and now I'm on the verge of tears. Great.

"Damn it, Lennon! Don't you get it! Best friends don't kiss! Best friends don't give each other fucking bo-" he roars but I cut him off.

"Okay so were not the normal best friends. But what else don't I get! I'm pretty sure I get whatever it is!" I screech and I'm now thankful that all the neighbors are at work.

"Fuck! Lennon! I don't want to be best friends I don't even want to be friends!" he spats.

"Well fine! Whatever you say! Your wish is my command! I mean I get why you don't want to be friends! Can't ruin your bad boy image!" I bark. I'm surprised I haven't started talking in Italian yet.

"What? I thought we got past that!" he snaps back.

"Well if us being best friends and not telling each other anything that is not best friend. And if you don't even want to be friends it's obviously because of your precious image that won't even matter in a fucking year!" I don't like fighting but I know I need to let the rest of the anger out.

"Lennon, my gosh! Don't you get it?" he sighs in exasperation.

"No! I obviously don't!" how did this fight even start? Oh, yeah the scar.

"You're so damned oblivious! I fucking want to- Damn it Lennon! Don't you get it! I want you to b-" and it's now the perfect time for Vinnie to show up.

"Hey what did I mi- shit I'm going to go. " she says and climbs back in her car. I want to laugh at the fact that she drove to the neighbor's house and stopped there.

"I don't have time for this. "Parker grumbles and opens his car door. I run and slam it shut before he can get in.

"Well since you called me oblivious I want to know the reason." I say in short huffs. Screaming is a work out.

"It doesn't matter." Parker mutters.

"Well it obviously does! I mean for Pete's sake you were yelling at me about it!" I bark. And we're back to fighting.

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