The Story of Criminal Minds

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update I have been really busy and I know it's a little late but hopefully this will be the first and last time it happens!

 I'm really excited to write this chapter but just watch come out a disappointment because that's just me.  What do you guys think Parker wants to keep telling Lennon? Do you think he will tell her this chapter? And I know I already did this song but I am absolutely in love with it. And I wrote this on Sunday and I finished it during the VMA's so the bottom AN is when Amnesia was playing.


"No! Don't kill her! She is in love with Reid," I sob and clutch Parker's hand as I keep my eyes glued to the re-run of Criminal Minds. My all-time favorite show. But before I can keep shouting at the TV like men do during football both the murderer and Mave are dead. 

"No, Mave! Come back to life!" I shout as Reid stares in shock at the girl he was about to tell he loves drops dead before his eyes.

"Lennon, it's okay," Parker soothes and I slap his arm.

"Get away from me I need time to mourn," I wail and click the guide on the TV.

"Oh, no time to mourn. Another Criminal Minds is coming on. Now, shut up and go get me some chocolate-covered popcorn." I shoo him and glue my eyes to the TV screen, wiping away the tears from the previous episode. 

"Chocolate-covered popcorn?" I can sense Parker's disgust from a mile away.

"Yes, it's actually really good," I hit him randomly and when I feel a nose I smile that I slapped his face. But not hard. Just a little love tap.

"Oh! This is my favorite episode!" I squeal and turn the volume up.

"Okay, whatever," he grumbles, confused. Seconds later he shakes his head and gets up and in the kitchen. We are at Parker's house right now so he knows where everything is which I am grateful for.

A couple minutes later and a few profanities at the TV Parker comes back in with a bowl of popcorn and a side of melted chocolate.

"Okay, I wanted to try it but I didn't want to have it on it if I didn't like the popcorn with the chocolate," Parker explains as he sits down.

"Yeah, whatever," I say and grab a piece of popcorn form the bowl and dip it in the chocolate. I moan at the burst of flavor in my mouth and when the commercial comes I turn to Parker and smush his face in my hands.

"Thank you," I breathe and squeeze his cheeks. He looks like a fish and I laugh at how adorable he looks.

"You’re so cute," I giggle and kiss his smushed up lips. He struggles to kiss back but when he finally can butterflies erupt in my tummy.

"Can you let go of my cheeks now?" he asks and it comes out slurred and choppy but I understand him.

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