The Story of Death Glares and Dinner

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I want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye.


"Hey, Lennon! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" my dad exclaims as I come charging down the stairs.

"I know, Dad," I sigh and hug him.

"I have to tell you something before Parker picks me up," I guide him to a chair.

"Bye Dad! Bye Lenny!" Mackie calls as she rushes out the front door.

"Alright, sweetheart what is it?" my dad asks and I smile at the endearment.

"Parker and I-" there is a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," my dad pushes past me before I can protest.

"Hello, sir."

"Hey, Parker come on in. Lennon was just talking about you," my dad tells Parker.

"Oh, that's nice."

"Daddy, I have something to tell you," I repeat.

"What is it, sweetums," my dad asks and I see Parker smile from the endearment he said he would call me.

"Parker and I," I grab Parker's hand," are dating."

It was silent for a while. My father's face was blank but he was always good at hiding his emotions.

"Daddy?" I ask.

"Dinner tonight. 6:00 no later no earlier. I want to fully know you," my father commands and walks away after he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"He's pissed. Good thing I am going to Vinnie's tonight," I smirk. Parker glares at me playfully.

"No, we have to face this together," He warns.

"Ugh, this couple stuff is too hard. I mean I have to go everywhere with you. Goodbye, Parker. You are way too needy," I snap my fingers in Parker's face and he laughs.

"Ha." he snorts and walks outside with me.

"I'm serious," I protest," but I'll take the free ride. Thanks."

"Oh, so now you're using me." he chuckles.

"Yes. I'm using you for a free ride," I giggle.

"Ah, I see. So, I don't even get a hug for my duties?" he holds his arms wide and without thinking I step right into them. The nostalgic feeling practically overwhelms me but I smile anyways.

Before I can register that I'm being lifted off the ground Parker is spinning both of us around in the middle of my front yard and I can't help but laugh. When he stops he kisses my nose and sets me down.

"You know, for some bad boy rep you sure are sweet," I giggle when Parker climbs in the car after closing mine.

"Oh, you want me to prove my image. We can go spray paint some buildings. Maybe hijack a car," he smirks and I laugh.

"Oh, stop."

"I mean if that's how you want me to be. I'll do it. Look it that's the perf place to spray paint," he points to the elementary school that I pass by every day on my way to school.

"Did you just say perf?" I furrow my brows.

"Yes, my grandma says it all the time," he concludes, absentmindedly.

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