The Story of Execution

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Real quick AN: hey everyone! So the last few chapters you may have not been able to see the videos for music so I'll tell you now!

In The Story of New Discoveries it's a scene from Dirty Dancing if you look up: Dirty dancing final dance or Dirty Dancing The Time of my Life it will probably show up!

In The Story of Valentine's Day the song is She Looks so perfect by 5SOS

For The Story of Birthdays it's the song Honeymoon Avenue by Ariana Grande

For The Story of bad Waiters and favorite Movies the song is Little Things by One Direction

For The Story of Scared and Stuck it's Let it Be by The Beatles

For The Story of Waking Up it's Here Without You by 3 Doors Down

Oh, and this chapter's song is Break Free by Ariana Grande

If you can't play any other song just comment here what one you can't see and I'll reply to your comment!


It's been a few days since I have figured out my plan. Every day I scrape against the wall with the mirror or the handcuffs. Today is the day where I can finally push out the block of cement and escape. To my house, the police, maybe even the hospital. Once the front door slams I grab Odis and out him next to the cement wall. I breathe and push scrape off the last part of the cement wall. I couldn't scrape off some of it because Reece would notice the crack shaped like a box where a small girl could fit through. So I went to work doing that. And I scraped and budged fast because I was afraid Reece might be coming back soon.  Once I got through to finish off the wall, I push and shove at the wall but it won't go through.

I groan in frustration and start taking my Plan B into action. I take the handcuff and start digging it into the block right in the middle. My arms are weak and tired but I keep going. Once the handcuff is dug and latched into the block I pull the block to me. It doesn't move the first few times and I growl in annoyance.

"Fuck!" I shout when it won't move. This is for Parker. For Parker. For Parker. For Parker.

"For Parker!" I cry out and use all my strength in pulling back the block. The block moves swiftly and it's almost all the way out when the cuffs break.

"Cheap fucking handcuffs," I sob and toss the broken cuffs across the room. I calm myself down for a few seconds before I try as hard as possible to get a grip on the wall. I pull and pull and pull until it finally comes loose and slides closer to me. I get behind it so my back is facing the opening and push it further from where it started. When I look at the wall I try and fit my body through it.

That place where Reece gives me food doesn't move he keeps it locked so I can't push it open and scream for help through it. I feel at the hole with my arm and nearly wail in relief when I get an idea. I search for the handcuffs in the dimly lit room and try running to it. It's hard to because my foot still hurts and I'm afraid to take a pill from him.  Eating and drinking from the food he made me was a risk but I had to and thankfully he didn't drug me.  I limp to the cuffs and pick them up.

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