The Story of Us (Part 1)

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The Story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now- Tay Tay Swift


"Okay! After many weeks of being late," my teacher laughs heartily and I force out a laugh too," But of course that is not this group's fault! We finally can have Parker and Lennon present their project!"

Parker gives my hand a tight squeeze as we walk up to the front of the room empty handed. Mr. Benz gives us an odd look but I soon tug out a small piggy hard-drive and plug it into the computer. I log on and do all the important computer-y stuff and then I stand next to Parker who has done his part of turning off the lights.

I click it on and a picture of Parker and I pop onto the screen.

"This is from the first time Parker and I tried working on the project," I click on a little link and a little sound bar comes up. (It starts off Parker and then Lennon and then Parker and Lennon and so on...)


"Do you happen to own any ZuZu pets?"

"What! No!"

"Are you sure?"

"It's my turn!"


"Okay last question ar-"

"I swear if you ask if I am a virgin I will kill you."

"Oh man. But are y-"


"Who was your first crush?"

"Really, what is this fifth grade?"


"It was a stupid crush. I was in seventh grade."

"Was it me?"

"His name is Reece. Reece Christensen? Do you know him?"

"Is he like super ugly now, or something because I don't even know what he looks like?"

"No. He isn't ugly. Just my best friend,"

"You know I heard if girls can't get their first crush they go to the best friend."

"And who in the world did you hear that from?"

"Novel 1 of the Book Series of Dissecting a Lady's Mind."

"That isn't even a real book."

"Yes it is. Right up here."


"Unfortunately, that is all we got from the first time and there were a few questions before that but we forgot to start recording! Anyway, since that would get us nowhere we obviously know what we are going to say to you guys and we have a few short clips from when we did record," I explain and Mr. Benz sits down.

"It started off when I walked into class. I looked at the seat where I knew my partner would be. And all I can see is huge glasses. And boy did I know that I would be stuck with a nerd. A non-talkative geek. And I sit down. And she's doodling lyrics of The Beatles and all I thought was 'great a geek who loves dead people'."

"Which I rudely informed him that only half were dead," I piped and clicked the next link.


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