The Story of Birthdays

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It's been a week since Valentine's Day. I still can't get over the fact that Parker brought me to Disney World. Ever since then we have been in what my dad calls the 'honeymoon phase.' First is the awkward stage. Then it's the honeymoon phase. And then apparently after this we will happen to be having a lot of complications.

The 'honeymoon phase' is supposedly when you do everything together. Go out to eat, shopping, school, everywhere. You are practically inseparable. So when three separate groups of people want to spend time with me on my birthday and all I want to do is be with Parker it's pretty complicated. But we somehow compromised. I am going to Parker's from 7a.m-12p.m. Then I will be spending 12p.m. - 5p.m. with Vinnie. Which I am fine with. Although, I would like more time with Parker.

"Happy birthday, Jelly-Donut," Parker leans in for a long kiss as I jump in his car.

"Hi," I breathe when he pulls away.

"Hi," he smiles.

"Where are we going?" I ask when he starts the car.

"To my house," he says as he reverses.

"Okay. Oh, are we making breakfast!" I squeal.

"Yes, well you don't have to help," he laughs.

"I want to," I giggle.

When we get to Parker's I immediately know we are home alone. His mother is usually very loud and happy when I am over and I suppose she always is. Parker's father is a little less outgoing but still very loud.  So when we walk in the empty house I get a little nervous. I mean sure, Parker and I have spent time with nobody home.  A bunch of times, in fact. But it is usually at my house and my house always had the interruptions of my family. His parents work 'till five and Reece is out with his family so no interruptions could possibly be made for the morning. 

"What do you want?" Parker asks as I sit on the bar stool.

"Surprise me," I widen my eyes and puff my mouth at Parker and he laughs and goes to making stuff.

"You have to go watch TV in the living room if I am surprising you," he tells me as he pulls his mother's apron on.

"Okay, Comrade," I salute him and walk to the living room.

The early Criminal Minds episodes are on and I, right away, indulge in to one of my favorite TV shows. It's about a guy who uses his methods from different famous serial killers such as The Son of Sam and The Hillside Strangler.

"This is really good," I moan and chew the chocolate chip French toast. I didn't know they even made these. I shovel some eggs in my mouth and gulp down the OJ that I have.

"Gee, if I knew any better I would say you only use me for food," Parker rolls his eyes.

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