The Story of Our Flaws

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When I turn the block Rachel opens her mouth.

"I'm sorry," she speaks and my grip on the wheel tightens.

"Okay," I tell her and look in the mirrors to check for any cars.

"Really. I never meant to hurt you," she insists.

"Never meant to hurt me? Thinking that you died wasn't supposed to hurt me?" I ask incredulously. I shake my head when she remains silent and pull into a parking space.

"You have no idea how many things I treasured about you. The bracelet. The necklace. I thought for over a decade that you had brain cancer! And I kept everything because it reminded me of you! I tried teaching Mack Italian because of you! I knew you would want her to know! Ad it turns out you wanted to die for a new family!" I laugh in a cynical tone.

"Lennon, pl-"

"We have to go meet the others," I say so emotionlessly even I get the chills.

I spin on my heel and walk to the others a car door slams behind me and soon we are all walking into church with our Sunday's best clothes on.


After church Lanie and Harrison come with me because it seems that Rachel is afraid to go with me now and I feel terrible that Mack is all alone but dad said she will be fine.

"Where are we going again?" I ask as we pull out of the Church parking lot.

"iHOP," Lanie says.

"Okay," the car is filled with small talk and the songs on the radio as we drive.

Once parked at iHOP I turn off the car and climb out. Lanie climbs out with no help considering no bump is showing yet and Harrison takes her hand and kisses it. I smile and look away suddenly remembering that I need to talk to Parker.

"Her name is Sandy. Like Sandy and Danny," Rachel tells us as we walk to the door.

"From Grease?"

"Yes," she answers and although I find it a cute name I am furious that she uses the same method she used for naming us.

"But what is the point of Sandy without Danny?" I ask in curiosity and she gulps.

"Well, I uh also have a s-son," she whispers and suddenly my eyes are glaring at her and anger grows within me.

"And when did you think to tell us? After we saw the random kid at the end of that table," Lanie seethes and I mentally applaud her. I knew I always liked Lanie for harry. Now she just went up a couple notches in my level of likings.

"Well, no. I just-" she stops and stays silent after that because a small boy only the age of at least two comes running out of the door.

"Mommy!" he squeals and I watch as he lunges into my mom's arms.

"Danny!" she laughs awkwardly and searches our eyes. I didn't get a good look at the boy but he seems cute like any 2-year-old is.

When she puts the small boy down he turns to all of us wide-eyed. First my father then Mack then Lanie and then Harrison. One by one there eyes all go wide as the kid turns to them. Suddenly the child turns to me. And I gasp and start tearing up. The boy is a spitting image of me. From his hair to his toes his eyes are the same shape and his lips are thin and his nose has the same roundness.

"Hewwo," the boy pipes while looking at me.

"Hi, what's your name?" I bend down and even though I already know I ask for his name anyway.

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