The Story of Actually Working

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We are all searching for a purpose in a land of nothingness.


"Damn it, Lennon. Wake. Up." a voice shakes me.

"Leave me alone you giant cottonheadedninnymuggins." I mumble and swat at the hand.

"Good. You're u- Wait what did you just call me?" the voice asks with an obvious amount of humor.

"From Elf. It's supposed to be an insult." my eyelids are heavy and I groan rolling over again. I try multiple times to open my eyes and grin when they succeed. I take over my surroundings when I meet a pair of brown eyes, I frown.

"W-wait I don't remember falling asleep."

"You passed out."

I groan and sit up to face Parker.

"Food." I pout.

"I ordered pizza." Parker sighs.


Then suddenly, everything came back. The messy sheets. The drawers ripped open. Clothes hanging off of them. My eyelids are haunted with the vision of some dark figure dashing on top of the window. I didn’t even know those opened.


I did not notice that my breaths were coming out in short, scary pants as the vision of my room flashed across my mind.

"Sorry." my voice is shaky.

"Don't be."

"Okay. Now you have to tell me why you kicked me out of your house then five minutes later you come running outside, like a scared kitten." Parker's eyebrow arches.

"I c-can't." I rush out the words.

"Lennon," he scoffs,” I have seen you throw me out twice right after you get a text. And I have seen some guy climbing up your wall to go out the window. After he violated your room. There is obviously a connection."

"Non lo so, va bene?"

(I don't know, okay?)

"Just please, Fidati di me." I beg.

(Trust me)

"Wh-" the sound of the bell ringing cuts off any word he is about to say. I practically collapse in relief that my interrogation has been subdued. The pizza smells delicious and I am glad Parker ordered just plain. I mean pepperoni is my favorite topping but I am not in the mood for it.

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