A relationship? • 9

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If you thought that the previous chapters were mind blowing, this will wreck your mind. Narry date coming next chapter and A little fluff this chapter.

Chapter 9: A Relationship?

"Zayn?" Louis says and everyone takes a shocked glance at Louis before looking back at Zayn. He walks with a gangster stroll holding a black book bag and pink bag?

"Sunshine!" He says and Emily is frowning so hard and Harry looks completely confused. I remember seeing the phone calls between them and the emojis next to their names but, I never knew they were exclusive.

Louis sprints from his chair and runs up Zayn. We all stand also thinking that this situation might make a turn for the worse. We see Louis approach Zayn before he gets any further and starts to argue with him. I can see Zayn's face kind of drop and he lowers the pink gift bag.

"Are they dating?" Harry speaks up after us watching this moment with thick tension.

"I swear they were just sworn enemies." Emily says and I literally look at Harry with a look. A look of, my life suddenly has too much drama, when were we dating and why haven't we established dating?

He looks at me and just flashes a understanding smile, more of a 'we'll talk later' look. I nod and see Zayn and Louis walking towards us and this time they don't look entirely too happy.

"Hey guys." Louis groans once he reaches us.

"What is the raptor trash doing on this side of town? Yelling your name?" Emily says and Zayn scoffs and rolls his eyes. Louis looks at her with a glance that could kill.

"Em, really?" I say and she takes a look at me and I can tell Giselle passed through her mind for a second before she retreated.

"Zayn and I have been talking since the Funeral. We found out we kind of like each other and that we'll take it slow from here." Louis says and my jaw drops.

Literally, on the ground. I no longer have a jaw.

"I knew it." Harry says and Emily looks down, her lip quivering and she is tearing up. Louis also looks down knowing he upset his twin and that she possibly could never forgive him again.

Emily storms off suddenly breaking the awkward silence and Louis chases after her like the big brother he is.

I stand to my feet. "Zayn, where's Liam?" I ask remembering our previous discussion with Liam being a murderer and all.

"He went to the police station. Said that one of the officers needed him there." He says and I take a deep sigh. Harry looks at Zayn and Zayn looks at him.

"Who's this handsome lad?" Zayn says and uses his thumb to point at Harry. Harry's gave immeadiately went into the meanest and most sexiest face ever.

"My boyfriend?" I say looking at him as if he was the dumbest person that roamed the earth. Harry then smiled, he looks at Zayn with a scowl.

"So you are gay?" He says and I kind of nod in a sort of shame. I mean I never came to terms with myself being out and everyone knowing I'm gay. It was literally Louis, Liam and Emily who knew. Not even my mom.

So Harry sort of looks at me in a weird tone.

"Ah man. Never would've known. But I'm not surprised." He says and I step closer to him feeling a bit offended.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I mean, you never got any pussy. So I automatically thought you were gay. Plus Liam told me you were." He says and I look away from him and feel anger come over me.

Date Night // Narry AU // Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now