Highway to Hell • 12

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From here on, Romance is more dangerous than crime. Hearts will break and blood will bef everywhere. It's shit now. Stay tuned

Chapter 12: Highway to Hell

I jump and run into my closet to find some clothes almost immediately. Harry steps back into his pants when I slip on a long sleeved t-shirt and sweat pants. I turn to find my slides but I can't find them and I'm panicking so bad to where I start to scream. I think of every possible bad thing that could happen but I pray Lana wasn't hurt.

"Niall! Niall! Calm down!" Harry yells and I look over to him and he looks taken back. He slides his shoes over to me and I put them on, not caring how huge they are and run outside.

I can't even wait to get into my car, I simple bang the car until Harry comes running out with the keys. I was so panicked to where I didn't even noticed Lana sitting on the porch, cuddling a bear.

Once I get inside and Harry backs out and we follow the flashing red and blue lights down to the park. The park down the street was surrounded by police cars. In the distance I can hear a ambulance approaching and see people standing outside their doors.

I hit the dashboard screaming for Harry to go faster until he did and practically ran into a squad car. I pray that he didn't and get out the car.

Some police officers take notice as I get out the car and try to find out where the commotion is located and I look into the far back. The back of the park where the arch is.

I fall into fight or flight mode and I start to run. I run and run towards the arch with all my might with many policemen yelling my name to stop. But I couldn't, I already knew what happened to him.

"Liam!" I yell running up to the crew of medical assistants and see a horrific sight. The crew watch me, they watch me freeze, break and fall to my knees.

I could honestly feel myself break, into pieces and pieces until I was screaming and screaming. I could feel my chest tighten and my fist clenched. Right above me I could see, Liam, my best friend, hung from the arch, bleeding and frozen. He was


I don't know what happened after that or what happened to Liam's body, Harry or my mother. I let darkness take over because of the painful feelings I felt all came crashing down on me at once. I couldn't breathe and I felt tears flooding me inside and out.

Liam was my best friend. The one I told everything to and the one I gave my everything to. Liam was my first time and before you think about it being weird it wasn't. Liam was the only person I ever trusted to tell I was Bisexual when I found out. But honestly, I wanted to make sure. And of course I asked Liam and he was okay with it.

For a minute we did believe we were in love but all ended with us being friends at the end. I don't love Liam because he took my first time but because he was all I ever had as a friend. Before Louis, before Emily, hell before Harry there was always a Liam.

Liam was such a awesome guy who played sports, made his mum happy with his grades and helped others. He was such a good big brother to his sister's and a dear to his parents. Lately he wasn't himself and I'll never be able to see him do better ever again.

I remember we used to sit in my backyard and drink juice boxes listening to Elvis jams. My dad would cut the yard and my mom would bring out board games and play with us.

Life with him was amazing and I'm so fucking hurt, that I won't be able to love that life anymore.

Liam was just a kid and he was doing all the wrong things but then again he was a kid. He didn't know any better.

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