Chapter 1

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2 years later


Great I have to go back to school, why couldn't Spring break last longer? Only two more months until I'm out of this place thank God. The past two years have been really hard, my dad has gotten worse, he has been battling this cancer for 4 years now. I only have one friend Zayn we met our tenth grade year after Harry ditched me. He ditched me for the populars two years ago there's Louis, Liam, Niall and Jake. They have been bullying me ever since.I don't know why, it happened over one weekend and the Harry that I know and love was gone. I still love him but he hates me and I don't know why. I get dressed and eat before Zayn comes to get me. I see his car pull up and I leave. "Hey Zayn" I say as I get in the car. "Hey Soph how are you?" He asks and I answer, "You know the usual. My dad keeps getting worse and of course Harry and his friends." His smile suddenly falters and he gives me a sympathetic look and says. "I'm so sorry Sophia I wish there was something I could do." "There is. Stay my friend and don't leave me like Harry." I say and he replies. "I will never leave you or hurt you like he has and is." I smile and we soon reach the school. I walk through the gates with Zayn by my side and we go our separate ways to our lockers. "Slut." I hear behind me and I recognize the raspy voice and accent. It was Harry. I ignore it like usual and he walks away. I find Zayn again and we walk to first period.


The day was over and the bullying wasn't as bad today but that doesn't mean anything. I got home and went to my room. After watching some TV my phone buzzes and I look to see what it says.

Harry: Hey bitch how's your night going? Are you alone in your room again?

I shut my phone off and ignore his message. After watching 3 episodes of Pretty Little Liars, I have some dinner and go to bed.


Harry and his friends are still being jerks. My dad is getting worse everyday and I don't know how to deal with it. My life is falling apart. I am thankful that I have Zayn though. It is Monday morning and I am in Zayn's car and we are almost to school. Yay. When we get to the school I immediately see a group of people and we walk over there. I see a girl in the middle of the group with her books all over the ground. When I realize who did it I am not surprised. Can he just get a life? I finally get the courage to walk up to him and say something. His emerald eyes piercing through me."What the hell is wrong with you? Do you just go after every single person who you think isn't as good as you? I am ashamed that I was ever friends with someone like you." I go to the girl and pick up her books. We then walk into the school and go to our lockers. It turns out her locker is next to mine. How I never noticed that is beyond me. "What is your name?" I ask and she says, "Julie and what's yours?" "I am Sophia, it's nice to meet you." I say and she smiles before she asks, "Why did you stand up for me?" "Because he has been doing the same shit to me for 2 years and he shouldn't get away with it." I say and she responds, "Thank you." I smile and nod before going to class.


When Sophia said that to me it honestly hurt. I love her but she would never give me the time of day after everything I have done.



The school day is over and I meet Zayn as normal. He drives me home and I go do my homework. I fall asleep around 8.  

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