Chapter 3

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It is Sunday night and I am at Zayn's house. We are watching movies and stuff and my phone suddenly rings. I walk into the kitchen and answer it. "Hello?" I say and my mom replies, "Hi honey." I can tell that she is crying. "Mom what's going on?" "I left to do some shopping and I was gone for an hour or so. When I got home I found your dad laying in our bed. He wasn't breathing. I called an ambulance and found out that he died." When she tells me this I immediately start crying and scream, "No!" as my phone slips through my fingers hitting the floor.


Sophia left the room to answer a phone call and after a few minutes I hear her scream "No!" and I immediately rush in. "Sophia what's wrong?"

"My mom just told me that she went shopping and when she got home. She found my dad laying in their bed and he wasn't breathing. He's dead."She answers and I rush to her and hug her. "I'm so sorry Sophia." "Why did this have to happen to me? I have already lost so much." She says and I reply "I don't know why anything happens to anyone. Do you want me to take you home?" I ask and she answers, "Yea I should be with my mom right now." I grab my keys and take her home.


I just got home and my mom and I haven't stopped crying yet. My dad and I were so close and now he's gone. My mom said that I can miss some school this week considering this situation. I'm very grateful for that because I don't think I could handle the bullying on top of this right now.


It is Thursday and my mom and I have been going through my dad's stuff, which was really hard. My mom spent a lot of time in his office today and I'm wondering what she was doing. We pretty much just relaxed after that and tomorrow is back to school.

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