Chapter 30

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*10 years later in August*


"Mom, Dad!" I hear Hailey yell. I wake up and so does Harry. We go to leave our room but I notice that Harry isn't wearing a shirt, "You should probably put our shirt on." I say and he looks at me and says, "You should give me my shirt." I look down and notice that I'm wearing it. "Oh sorry, get a new one it's comfy." He grabs a new shirt and I grab a pair of shorts. We walk downstairs and Hailey has breakfast made. "Happy 20th anniversary!" She says and Harry and I look at each other. "Awww thank you sweetie." I say and we eat. Hailey talks about how excited she is to start he sophomore year in two weeks. I can't believe that she is 15 already. Her best friend's name is Daniel. He is a very nice boy and they spend a lot of time together, it reminds so much of Harry and I at that age. "Is it ok if I go over to Danny's today?" She asks and Harry answers, "Sure." The only reason he didn't ask me is because he knows that I would've said yes. "You know, you and Danny remind me a lot of your father and I." I say looking over at Harry. "Really?" She asks. We still haven't told her how we met because she hasn't asked. "Yes." I answer and she asks, "So I know I've never asked before but, what is your guys' story?" I look at Harry and he starts, "Well we met in fifth grade and were friends for 5 years until I was an idiot and got sucked in by the popular people. I started bullying your mother because I was too chicken to tell her how I really felt so I took out the anger I had towards myself on your mom. It was the worst mistake of my life, because I almost lost her for good." "What do you mean?" Hailey asks and I say, "I attempted suicide in our senior year of high school." Harry continues, "Well I went to the hospital and was there when she woke up. I told her I loved her and she said she loved me back." Then I pick up the story, "We went to prom together and were crowned king and queen. Then at a party we went to after graduation a guy named Liam who used to be a good friend of your dad's, kissed me. Your father saw it and we didn't speak for 3 months. I moved to New York with your grandma and I went to his house and told him I was leaving then left. When I was here to visit I found out that he came to the airport to try and stop me from leaving. Also your father and I spoke again for the first time in those three months during that visit. We made up and got this little apartment right on the beach. That Christmas we were at your grandma Anne's and your dad sang a song that he wrote for me and then purposed." "I want to hear that song dad." Hailey says and he says, "Okay I'll sing it when this story is over." Then he picks the story back up, "Then on August 11, 2018 we got married." We show her our wedding pictures and she says, "Damn you guys look the same I can't believe that was 20 years ago." "Thank you Hailey. Your dad has always been very fit and good looking I didn't think he'd stop now." I say and Harry continues the story. "A month after our wedding your mom got in a car accident and didn't remember that we got married or that we even ever dated she hated me. She even went to live with Julie. After a month of me trying to get her to remember she showed up at our apartment and kissed me. She told me that she remembered everything. Then 3 years later I made my first album and went on my first tour, your mother graduated college at the top of her class. Then 1 years later we had you. Your mother told me she was pregnant on our 4 year anniversary and that was the best anniversary gift we could've possibly had." I am crying as he finishes the story and so is Hailey. "Wow. You guys went through a lot to end up together. Now let me hear the song you sang on the night you purposed." She says and Harry says, "Okay." He runs to our room and gets his guitar. This is my favorite song that he wrote.

Said I'd never leave her

Cause her hands fit like my t-shirt

Tongue tied over three words, cursed

Running over thoughts that made my feet hurt

Bodies intertwined with her lips

Now she's feeling so low

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