Chapter 8

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I don't really know if that's what I want to be completely honest. I really want to be able to trust him but I just don't know if I can. I mean I think I should give him a chance though. "Never mind forget what I sa-" He starts but I cut him off, "Yes." "Yes what?" He says in a confused tone and I answer, "Yes that's what I want." "Ok so, Sophia do you want to be my girlfriend?" My brain doesn't have time to catch up with my actions and before I know it I'm kissing him. We pull away and he smiles then says, "I'll take that as a yes?" I nod and we continue watching the movie. By the time the movie I am starving and it is almost 5. "Are you hungry?" I ask him and he answers, "yeah do you want to get something?" "Yea do you want to order pizza?" I say and he responds, "Sure." So we order pizza and Harry insists on paying. We eat and he gets a phone call, which he ignores but it rings again. He sighs in anger before he leaves the room and answers it. I wonder who it is that he didn't want to talk to. A few minutes later he walks back in the room. "Sorry it was Louis asking me about a party that's happening on Friday night." he says and I say, "oh ok." "Do you want to go to it? I mean there really are no invites I mean everyone usually just shows up." he asks and I reply, "I don't know I mean Louis, Niall, Liam, and Jake pretty much hate me, not to mention the fact that Amber would, well already has beat me up for just looking at you. I'm pretty sure all of them will be at the party and if I showed up with you, all hell would break loose." I don't realize it but my voice raises each word I say and by the end I'm practically screaming. "I'm sorry about Amber I don't even know why she cared so much I don't even like her and I'll talk to the guys." He says guilt evident in his voice. "I still don't know." I sat and he replies, "You go back to school on Wednesday right?" I nod and he continues, "Well I will pick you up and drive you to school and I will tell everyone about us. If the guys have a problem with that then they will be taken out of my life because you are more important." Then he walks over to me and kisses me. "Let's see how Wednesday goes and if it goes good then I'll go to the party." I say and we watch two more movies and by that time it is a little after 9:30 and I am exhausted. "I should go I have school tomorrow." Harry says and I reply while sticking my bottom lip out. "Awwww I wish you didn't have to go." "You know what I won't I'll stay home tomorrow and be with you." he says and I ask, "Really?" "Yeah." He answers and I smile. I turn to go up to my room thinking that Harry is following but I don't hear his footsteps, so I turn around and see him laying on the couch. "What are you doing?" I ask and he responds, "Sleeping." "On the couch?" I say and he nods, then I ask, "Sleep with me please?" He gets up and we go upstairs, into my room. We lay down and he puts his arm around me and pulls me close to him. "Thanks Harry. I really missed you." I say and he says, "I missed you to. Going to that party was the worst mistake of my life, I should've just told you how I felt instead of hiding my feelings then letting out my anger over it by bullying you. I'm sorry." "It's ok as long as you don't do anything like that ever again." I say and he replies, "I won't I promise. I love you." "I love you too." I say and fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.


I wake up at around 9 and Sophia is still sleeping. I am so glad everything worked out and now she is my girlfriend. I get up and decide to make her breakfast.


I wake up around 9:30 and notice that Harry isn't in the bed. My mom is at work again today, she has a fashion major and works for a local fashion company. She gets paid pretty well. I get up and go downstairs I immediately smell eggs and bacon. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry dancing around while singing all while he is cooking. I smile and walk up to him and wrap my arms around him from the back. "Oh my gosh! You almost gave me a heart attack." He says and I laugh. "I'm getting you back for that." He continues and I say, "I didn't mean to scare you." We eat breakfast and I unfortunately have more work to do before I go back to school tomorrow. Harry helps me and luckily I finish within good time. Good time being 4 hours, so it is almost 3 in the afternoon. We are sitting on my couch and I fire up Netflix so we can watch Pretty Little Liars. "You're still into that show?" he asks and I answer, "Of course I am. I got hooked on the first episode and will watch it until the end which is apparently soon." "Ok." He says and I start the episode. He actually ends up getting sucked in as well and I have to explain the story to him. We end up watching like 5 episodes and it is almost 7 and I am really hungry. "Do you want something to eat?" I ask and Harry replies, "Sure." We end up eating leftovers and my mom gets home around 8. Harry leaves a little after my mom gets home and I am very tired and need to be ready to go back to school tomorrow. I am about to go upstairs when my mom asks, "So how is Harry he hasn't been here in a long time." "Yea we kinda haven't been talking for the past two years, but at the hospital he told me he loved me." I answer her and she replies, "Wow, well what did you say?" I smile and say, "I said I love him too. We are kind of dating now." "Well I'm happy for you. For some reason there was always a little thought at the back of my mind that you two would end up together." She says and I ask, "Really?" "Yep. Well I love you good night." She answers and I say, "Goodnight I love you too mom." I walk upstairs, set my alarm for 6:00 and fall asleep instantly. I hope tomorrow goes good.

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