Chapter 13

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It is now Sunday morning and our flight leaves tonight at 6. All of our stuff is already at the new house in New York. On Tuesday my mom and I went through the stuff in the kitchen and packed it all up. On Wednesday I hung out with Julie and Zayn. We went to the movies and got pizza afterwards. Thursday I went through my room, I started crying when I saw Harry's and my picture from prom night that I framed and put on my night stand. Friday I had a girls day with my mom and Julie and yesterday I packed my stuff I needed for the plane. I am currently out for breakfast with my mom, Zayn and Julie. I haven't tried to talk to Harry for a couple days because I figured that he didn't want anything to do with me at this point. "Sophia I think you should talk to Harry before you leave just so he knows you're leaving and that you are sorry." Julie says and I say, "I'll think about it."


It is now 5:10 and my mom and I need to be at the airport in 30 minutes. I've been thinking about what Julie said all day. I decide to go to Harry's. I grab the keys to our rental car since our actual car had to be taken to New York. I get in and drive to Harry's. I knock on the door and Gemma answers it. "Is Harry home?" I ask and she says, "Yea he's in his room you can go up." I nod and walk in. I go to his room and see that the door is open. He's laying on his bed on his phone and hasn't noticed me yet. I knock on the door frame. He looks up and says, "Sophia what are you doing here?" I start crying just by being here and hearing him say my name again. "I came to tell you that I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, but I did. This last week was so hard I kept thinking that I lost you. I need to make this fast because I have to be at the airport, my flight leaves in 30 minutes at 6. I'm moving to New York, because my mom got a great job opportunity. My mom asked your mom if I could live with you guys until I got the money my dad left me. She said yes, but I screwed that up. I love you so much Harry and if I could take that kiss back I would, because I don't want to lose you. I have lost so much and you made everything better, but I had to go and screw it up. I love you so much. Goodbye Harry." I walk back out of his house and completely lose it when I get in the car. I drive home to get my mom and our carry ons and stuff. Then we drive to the airport. I can't believe that I'm actually losing Harry.


I love you so much. Goodbye Harry.

Those two sentences keep replaying in my head. I still love her and I may never see her again. I start crying and Gemma walks in. "What was that about?" She asks and I answer, "Sophia's moving to New York. Her flight leaves in 20 minutes." "Then what the hell are you still doing here? Go to the airport. I remember what you said her dad told you. Don't let her go." She says and I say, "I won't make it it's a 25 minute drive to the airport." "Then get your ass up and go. Now!" She practically screams at me. I get up, grab my keys and leave for the airport. I look around on the screens. "Gate B8, flight 207 Los Angeles to New York City." I mumble to myself. I run to it and see the receptionist. "I need to get to Gate B8." I say and she says, "I'm sorry I can't do that." "Are you serious right now? The girl I am madly in love with is about to get on that plane." I say and hear, "Last call for people boarding flight 207 Los Angeles to New York City." I run past the desk and run towards Gate B8 and hear the receptionist yell for security. I see Sophia and her mom walk onto the plane. I was too late. I lost her. "Damnit!" I say under my breath and immediately exit the airport. I can't believe she's actually gone.

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