Chapter 12

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Harry gets here and we drive off to the party. When we get there I can hear the music and can tell this is going to be a fun night. We walk in and get greeted by everyone. We get drinks and dance.


We've been here for about 2 hours now and I am a little on the tipsy side. I have to use the restroom so I need to find someone who knows their way around Louis' house. The first person I spot is Liam. "hey, Liam could you show me where the bathroom is?" I ask and he grabs my hand and takes me upstairs, "Here you go." he says and then kisses me. I didn't even know what was happening at first because it happened so fast. I pull away and say, "What the hell? We can't do this I'm with Harry." "I don't care." He says before he leans back in. I try to push him off but am unsuccessful and I start kissing back. I put my arms around his neck. We both pull away when we hear, "What the hell is going on?" I immediately recognize the voice as Harry's. Shit. "Harry it-" He cuts me off, "No it's exactly what it looks like, find a new ride home." He says and storms off. I chase after him but he is already in his car. He speeds off down the road and I tell Liam to drive me home. I get home and my mom says she needs to talk to me. "Honey, I got a job opportunity in New York and I need to leave in a week. I talked to Anne and she said you can live with them until you get the money your father left you for an apartment of your own." I start crying because I know I can't stay at Harry's anymore because he is mad at me. I don't blame him, I screwed up. "Mom. I really messed up tonight and I can't stay at Harry's. I'll just come to New York with you." I say and she says, "I'm su-" I cut her off, "No it's not going to be fine." I say and storm up the stairs. I get changed and fall asleep.

I wake up and know that I need to tell Julie and Zayn that I'm leaving.

Me: hey guys, I really need to talk to you. Can we meet at Starbucks at 11?

Julie: Yea see you then.

Zayn: Yep I'll be there.

It is currently 10 and I need to get ready. I throw on some jean shorts and a crop top. I do my makeup and put my hair in a ponytail. It is 10:45 and I leave for Starbucks. I get there and see Julie and Zayn sitting at a table. I walk over to them. "Hey." They say in unison. "Hi." I say with a sad tone. "What did you need to talk to us about?" Zayn says and I feel tears fill my eyes just thinking of what I'm about to tell them. "I'm moving. To New York. My mom got a job offer and we are leaving in a week. I was going to stay with Harry until I got the money my father left me, but we got in a fight and he won't speak to me." "That's all the way across the country!" Julie says, her voice shaky as if she is about to cry. "I know. I'm really going to miss LA but it's a great opportunity for my mom." "What about college?" Zayn asks and I answer, "Well I decided that I was going to wait after my dad died anyway so it's not a big deal." "I'm going to miss you so much." Julie says. "I'm going to miss you guys too." I say and we talk a little more and I leave. I get home and help mom pack up some stuff. Harry still hasn't spoken to me and he has no idea that I'm moving in a week. Not that he cares. It is now 8 and my mom and I decide to order a pizza. When it comes we eat and talk. "So what happened between you and Harry?" She asks and I say, "Well at that party that we went to after our graduation. Liam one of Harry's best friends kissed me and Harry saw it. I tried to push him off and it didn't work. I ended up kissing him back, but it didn't mean anything to me because I love Harry. Mom I really messed up and now he won't even talk to me. He won't let me explain." I start crying by the end of telling her that. "He loves you too. Give him time I'm sure he'll come around." She says and she gets out of her seat to hug me. "I just don't want to lose him." I say and she replies, "You won't." I calm down and we finish eating. I go to bed at around 10.


I've pretty much been in my room ever since the incident at the party. I haven't spoken to any of my friends or Sophia. Why would she do that to me? Why would Liam do that to me? I am so angry. I just don't understand. Am I not good enough for her? I am honestly more hurt than angry. I hear a knock on my door, "Come in." I say and my sister Gemma walks in. "Harry what's wrong? And don't even try to tell me it's nothing because I have known you your whole life and I know when something is wrong." I can't lie to her so I just tell her, "At the party that we went to after our graduation. I saw Sophia kissing Liam. I am more hurt than angry if I'm being honest with you." "Harry I'm so sorry. But I'm sure she regrets it, she loves you so much. I can tell by the way she looks at you." She says and I don't even want to hear it. "Well if she loves me so much why would she kiss him in the first place?" I say annoyance relevant in my tone. "What if she didn't kiss him? What if he kissed her?" She asks and I think about it for a second, but then remember that her arms were around his neck. "Well if he did she didn't try to push him off because her arms were wrapped around his neck." I reply and she says, "Ok well I'm not going to argue." Then she walks out of my room. It is a little bit after 10 and I fall asleep.

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