Chapter 15

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I knock on the door and Anne answers it. "Hi Sophia I didn't know you were in town." She says and I say, "Yea I leave in two days on Tuesday morning. Is Harry home?" "Yeah he's upstairs in his room you can go up there." She answers and I reply, "Thank you." Then walk upstairs. I stop in my tracks when I hear a beautiful voice singing and a guitar.

Is that Harry singing? I knock on his door and he says, "Come in." I walk in and shut the door behind me. "Harry." I say and he turns around at the sound of my voice. "Sophia I am so glad you're here I really need to talk to yo-" I cut him off, "No I need to talk to you. I know that you came to the airport that day after I left your house. I have hated myself everyday since I kissed Liam." I start to cry slightly, but continue, " I hated myself because I knew that I would lose the love of my life over one stupid thing that didn't mean anything to me. You mean so much to me and I wish I could take it back. I messed up and I know that you probably hate me. I would do anything to make you love me again. I love you Harry." I stand there for a little bit and he doesn't say anything which is what I expected. I turn to walk out the door, but he grabs my wrist. "Who said I stopped loving you?" He says before he pulls me close to him. Our faces are inches apart, "because I didn't." He finishes and then kisses me. I immediately put my arms around his neck and he tangles his fingers in my hair. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. He pushes me against the door. I tangle my fingers in his hair. This ended up turning into a make out session. He sets me back down and I say, "Wow." "I forgive you. Your dad was right." He says and I give him a confused look. "I went to him 4 years ago and told him that I loved you. He told me that he knew we would end up together. He told me that no matter what either of us do we will get through it because true love doesn't disappear that easily. He told me that I can't let you go and I didn't. That's why I went to the airport that day. I couldn't let you go." He says and I reply, "You've loved me for 4 years?" "Yes I have. But I was too scared to tell you." He answers and I say, "I've loved you for that long too." "When do you go back to New York?" He asks and I answer, "Tuesday." "That's in two days."

He says with a sad tone. "I know it's soon but I-" He cuts me off, "Move back here. I have a job and was actually looking for apartments. Why don't you look with me and we can live there together." "I don't know I need to talk to my mom." I say and he replies, "I love you." "I love you too." I say and he kisses me again. We end up hanging out for a couple more hours. It is now 2 and I decide to leave. I kiss Harry on the cheek before leaving. I get back to Julie's and I can't stop smiling. "Where were you?" She asks as soon as I walk in the door. "I was at Harry's." I answer and she says, "Oh my gosh what happened?" "I told him how I felt and he said he still loves me. We made out and then talked. Oh and I'm moving back here as long as it's ok with my mom." She screams in excitement and says, "Yay!" We watch tv for a couple hours and then her mom gets home. We have dinner and I decide that I should call my mom. "Hello?" She picks up after the third ring. "Hi mom I wanted to know if you would be okay if I moved back here. Harry and I worked stuff out and he is looking for apartments for himself. He basically asked me to look with him because he wants me to move in with him." I say and she replies, "That's great honey. Of course you can move there, it's your choice. Let me know if you find a place." "Of course I will thanks mom. I love you." I say and she says, "I love you too." I decide that I should call Harry and let him know that I can move in with him. "Hello?" He answers after the second ring. "So what time are you picking me up tomorrow?" I ask and he answers, "For what?" "Apartment searching." I say. "So your mom said it was ok?" He asks and I can almost hear the smile through the phone. "Yes. Can you get me at 11?" I ask and he answers, "Yeah see you then babe.I love you" "I love you too." I say and we hang up. I get on my laptop and change my flight. Julie, Zayn and Harry have to go back to school on Tuesday but I'll keep myself busy. I change my flight to Friday. My mom is talking with the movers to get my stuff here. It is almost 7 and Julie and I watch a couple movies. I fall asleep at around 11.

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