Chapter 6

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It has been a week since I was at the hospital. A lot of questions have been asked at school about this situation. I need to see her, no one has told me how she is doing, but that is because no one thinks I care. I get up and drive to the hospital. I get there and go to the waiting room where I see her mom and Zayn. "What are you doing here?" Zayn asks and I can hear the frustration in his voice. "I want to know how she is doing." I say and he responds, "Well the doctor says she hasn't improved much and it is up to her to wake up at this point. Wait, why do you care?" "Because I love her." I mumble and Zayn says, "What did you say?" "Because I love her!" I say again,but practically screaming this time. A shocked look spreads across his face and he says. "Well if you love her then why did you bully her?" "I don't know I got caught up in my popularity, I don't have an excuse. There is no excuse for what I did. I'm sorry." I say and he replies, "I'm not the one you need to apologize to," motioning towards the door and continuing. " she can hear you." I nodded and Julie walks back out here and Zayn motions for me to go back to her room. I walk back there and see her laying lifeless on the hospital bed. I start crying just at the sight of her. I pull a chair next to her bed and hold her hand before I start my speech.


I am in my room when I see the door open and Harry walk in? He pulls a chair up to my bed and grabs my hand. "Sophia I'm so sorry. Leaving you is my biggest regret, you needed me and I wasn't there. When I read your letter it broke my heart and I rushed to your house and when I saw you unconscious I called an ambulance. I knew that I was at fault for this and I won't be able to live with myself if you die. I don't want to lose you. Just please wake up please." He's the one who got me to the hospital? I notice that he is crying and I see the look of hope and guilt in his now glossy green eyes. I've known him for years and I can tell that he is serious."I love you." He continues. Did I hear him correctly? In that moment I realise that I can't die. I open my eyes and slightly squeeze his hand. He looks up and realizes that I'm awake. "I love you too." I say and he says. "I'm so sorry Sophia I shouldn't have ever left you. You needed me and I wasn't there." "It's ok I forgive you." I say and he immediately smiles. He then gets the doctor and he checks on me. Harry is still in the room and the doctor says, "Well you look better, but you need your rest." then leaves. Harry goes to follow him out of the room but I say, "Stay, please." He nods and comes to sit with me on the bed. "I will never leave you again." He says and I soon fall asleep.


I'm so glad she forgives me. I will never let anything bad happen to her again. And I will definitely never leave her again.


I know that the length of the chapters are all over the place. Sorry about that. I just write what comes to me and try to end each chapter at a reasonable spot that makes sense. Please comment!

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