Chapter 9

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I wake up to my alarm blasting through my room. I get up, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. Then I go upstairs and pick out an outfit. I think to myself, I'm going to change it up today. I grab a pair of blue jean shorts, a black crop top that criss-crosses at the top of the front and a plaid button down. I tie the button down around my waist and throw on my black converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and apply concealer, contour, highlight, eyeshadow, mascara and a nude matte lip. I then go downstairs and wait for Harry to get here. I hear a knock on the door and go answer it. "Are you ready?" Harry says and then he turns to look at me. I watch him as his eyes scan me up and down. "Yeah I'm ready." We walk out the door and go to Harry's car. We get in and drive off to school. I'm kinda nervous if I'm being completely honest, my leg is shaking and I'm messing with the end of my shorts. "Are you okay?" He asks and I answer, "Yeah just a little nervous." "It's going to be fine I won't let anything happen to you." He says as he lightly sets his hand on my knee. We get to the school and I immediately get nervous when I see Louis, Liam, Niall, Jake and Amber standing by the front doors. I get out of Harry's car and he walks over to me. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. Louis turns around to greet Harry, "Hey Ha-, what is she doing here?" I see Harry's jaw clench immediately and he says, "She goes to school too, you know. Oh and she's my girlfriend. If you have a problem with that walk away now or there will be some serious issues. If I hear that any of you say or do one mean thing to Sophia, I will beat the crap out of you." I smile at how defensive he got right off the bat. Louis and everyone else looks extremely shocked. "Yea got it we won't let anything happen to her, she's one of us now." Liam says and Harry says, "Good." We walk into school and Harry walks me to my locker. "Hey" Julie says as she comes to her locker. "Hey how are you?" I ask and she says, "Good how about you?" "I'm good too. Do you want to go to a party on Friday night? I'm going to ask Zayn." I ask and she says, "Sure." "Cool so um meet me at my house at 8 on Friday?" I ask and she answers, "yeah let me know what Zayn says." "Ok." I say as I shut my locker and we walk to first period.


The day is over and I'm in the car with Harry. "So I hope it's ok, but I invited Julie to the party and I'm going to ask Zayn to come" I say and he replies, "Yeah that's fine so I'm assuming she or Zayn will drive you?" "Yeah if Zayn says he'll go he will drive us. Can you text me the address?" I ask and he answers, "Sure." We drive up to my house. We say goodbye and I go inside. I pull out my phone to text Zayn.

Me: Hey do you want to go to a party with me and Julie on Friday night?

Zayn: Yea what time should I get you girls?

Me: Well I told Julie to me here at 8 so could you come at 8:15?

Zayn: Yep see you at school.

Me: Yea

I put my phone down and start on some homework.

I finish all my homework and it is almost 5, so I go eat some dinner. I go back upstairs and watch some tv and fall asleep around 8, since I am every tired from getting up so early.


Yesterday went by so fast and it is now the end of the school day on Friday and I am in Harry's car. "What should I wear tonight?" I ask as we pull up to my house. "Well most of the girls will be wearing short dresses and heels but you ca-" I cut him off by saying, "Got it. See you later!" I walk into my house and eat something. Then I watch some tv.


I look at the clock and realize that it is 6. I go upstairs and go to my wardrobe. I want something that will throw people off guard. Something that I wouldn't usually wear. I stop when I see this black dress that is strapless and velvet material. I got it awhile ago and haven't ever worn it. It is fitted and reaches to about mid thigh and has a belt that goes right under where my bra would end. I grab a pair of floral heels that are about 4 inches. I straighten my hair and do my normal makeup. By the time i'm done it is almost 8. I am wearing a robe over my outfit. I hear and knock on the door and let Julie in. "Are you ready?" Julie asks and I take the robe off, "Yep." I say and she says, "Harry is going to drop dead when he sees you in that!" "Thanks." I say and Zayn arrives. I let Harry know that we are on our way. We soon pull up in front of a huge house that is crowded with teenagers. We hear the music playing from the car. We go in and Gold by Kiara starts to play. I am searching for Harry, and I spot his chocolate curls that nearly reach his shoulders. He is talking to Louis with his back facing me. Louis sees me and says something to Harry which makes him turn around. I walk to him and say, "Hey." "hi, you look amazing." He says and I blush. "Thanks."


I am talking to Louis and he looks past me. His eyes lock on something and he says, "Oh my gosh." I turn around and see Sophia walking to me. She looks so hot. "Hey" she says and I say, "hi, you look amazing." "Thanks." She says and I ask, "Do you want a drink?" "Yea." She says and we go over to where the drinks are. "I'll have fireball." she says and I am shocked, "Ok." I say and get her a shot. Into You by Ariana Grande comes on and Sophia drags me to the dance floor. She sways her hips to the music and I can't help but stare. She wraps her arms around my neck and I put my arms around her waist. "I'm really glad I decided to come." she says and I say, "Me too." She starts singing along. "So baby, come light me up and baby I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation and a little more touch my body 'Cause I'm so into you, into you,into you." When the song ends she walks over to get another drink.


It is almost 11 and Sophia is almost drunk. I can tell. I decide to take her home. We get to her house and I practically carry her inside. Her mom is sitting at the kitchen island and she gives me a nod. I take Sophia up to her room and lay her on her bed. She is out within seconds. I leave and go home. I fall asleep almost instantly.

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