Chapter 26

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*3 years later May of 2021*


I am graduating college today and Harry has been all over the place. He ended up being signed a record deal. Someone saw him performing at a local bar one night and bam. He has been very busy, he is on a two week break from his first tour and gets to see me graduate college. We have been on the cover of magazines together and in interviews together. Some people would think that being married to a famous person is bad, it's not that bad. One of the only cons is that he is gone a lot but I am very proud of him. I got Summa Cum Laude which is valedictorian of college. So I have to give a speech at graduation in an hour. My flew out here for this and Ashley is graduating too so she is here for pictures. We take pictures and we get some pictures of Harry and I. We leave for the graduation. We greet a bunch of people and take our seats. The dean talks first and says, "I would like to give you Sophia Styles our Summa Cum Laude." Everyone cheers and claps and I get up to the microphone. "Good afternoon everyone. Well today ends another chapter of our lives, but starts a new book. I am so grateful to be standing here today, because 5 years ago I didn't know where my life would be. I didn't know if I would even finish high school. I have so many people to thank. I would like to thank my mom for always supporting me and being there. I would like to thank all my friends and all my teachers. I would like to thank my dad, who sadly couldn't be here today because he died 4 years ago. Lastly I would like to thank my amazing husband, Harry Styles. We first met in 5th grade and were best friends for 5 years. In our tenth grade year he made a mistake which led to us not talking for 2 years. My senior year of high school I attempted suicide because of a bunch of different things. Harry wasn't exactly nice to me during the 2 years we didn't speak. So when I woke up and he was the one sitting there holding my hand I was surprised because I thought that he didn't care. What I didn't know is that he had been in love with me for 4 years. I know you are all wondering what this has to do with graduation and where I am going with this but you will all understand in a couple minutes. The day I woke up he told me he loved me, he was afraid to tell me for 4 years and when he did I told him I loved him too. These last 4 years have been the best 4 years of my life. We got married in 2018 and it was the happiest day of my life. A month after our wedding I got in a car accident and when I woke up the last thing I remembered was him being mean to me. I told him that I hated him. I tried to remember I tried to stay with him at our apartment but I couldn't. He still hung out with me and tried to make me fall back in love with him since I couldn't remember. A month after that I was in the car with my best friend and the song I walked down the aisle to came on. In that moment I remembered everything. Now I'll stop blabbing and get to the point. The point is that I want to thank him for always caring, always being there for me. I want to thank him for never giving up on me because if he did I wouldn't be standing here today telling all of you this story. So thank you to all of those people." I sat back down and the graduation ended soon. A bunch of people came up to me crying saying how touching Harry's and my story is. I go out to dinner with my mom, Ashley, her parents, Julie, Zayn and Harry. After that we go home and Sierra greets us as always. 

My First LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt