Chapter 7

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I wake up and feel arms around me. I don't exactly remember what happened last night. Who's arms are around me? I turn to see Harry laying there and remember what transpired last night. Did Harry really mean everything he said? Does he really love me? I feel him shift next to me and I say, "Good morning." "Good morning" He replies and goes to role over but he falls off the bed being that the hospital bed is tiny. I try to hold back my laughter but fail miserably. I notice that he is laughing too. It feels just like old times. He gets back up and we both finally calm down. The doctor comes in and says that he wants to keep me overnight again just to make sure my vitals stay stable. I really don't want to but doctors orders. Harry sits back on the bed next to me and then Zayn and Julie walk in. "Hey guys." I say and they both run over and pull me into a group hug. "You scared us to death!" Julie says and then Zayn says something also, "Don't you dare pull anything like that again!" "I won't." I answer and then they leave again. Harry decides that he is going to stay here with me even though I told him he didn't have to. We watch movies and I fall asleep pretty early since I've had a long day.


I am laying on the bed with her and she is sleeping now which is a good thing because she needs rest. I am so happy that she woke up. I am so glad I got the chance to tell her that I am sorry and that I love her. I just wish I didn't wait this long. I soon fall asleep myself.

I wake up and Sophia isn't in the bed. I immediately start panicking until I hear soft cries coming from behind me. I turn and see Sophia standing looking out the window crying. I walk up to her and put my arms around her, "Why are you crying?" I ask her and she takes a shaky breath then says, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have scared all of you like that. Especially my mom she needs me right now she has no one else." What? What about her dad? "What about your dad?" I say and she replies, "He-" She starts but gets cut off by her own cries. She turns around to look at me and continues, "he died. I was at Zayn's and my mom called me telling me that she went shopping and when she got home she found him in their bed. He was dead." I immediately pull her into a hug and say, "I'm so sorry." "I just wonder why I lost him." She says and the doctor walks in and says, "here are your discharge papers you can go home." "i'm so glad I get to go home!" She says and it makes me smile to see her this happy after everything she has gone through this past week. "I can drop you off if you want?" I ask and she replies, "That would be great." We gather up her stuff and handle the discharge papers and leave. The car ride is pretty silent and we finally reach her house. I walk her to the door and we go inside. It's been a long few days for Sophia so I decide that I should leave. "I know you have had a long couple days so I'm going to go home and give you sometime to rest." I immediately see her frown and then she speaks up "Yea I guess. I'll walk you out." I nod and we walk outside. "Thanks for staying with me for the past few days." She says and I reply, "No problem I am trying everything to make up the last two years to you. I really am sorry for all of it there is no excuse for what I did and it was so wrong I-" I was cut off by her lips crashing to mine. It lasted for a few seconds and she pulled away. "Uh sorry I didn-" she started but I cut her off by kissing her again. "It's fine I've been waiting a long time for that." I say, then we say goodbye and I leave.


Oh my gosh. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I am so happy right now, I hope I can trust him this time. I need to talk to Julie about all of this. "Hello?" She picks up after the second ring. "Hi can you come over we need to talk." I ask and she answers, "Yeah be there in 5." "K bye." I say and we hang up. I soon hear a knock at my door and she comes in and we go up to my room. "So what did you want to tell me?" She asks and I answer. "Harry, h-" She cuts me off and says, "I swear if he said someth-" I cut her off, "No he told me he loves me. I asked him why he bullied me if he loved me and he said that his popularity got in the way. Which weirdly I understand. Anyway he stayed with me at the hospital and he brought me home today. When he left I kissed him and he kissed me back." Julie's mouth is hanging open and I say, "You're gonna catch flies." We both laugh and then she speaks up, "Oh my gosh! So are you guys dating or..?" "I don't know we didn't talk about that." I answer and she says, "Ok" We watch some movies and it is almost 9 so she leaves since she has school tomorrow. My mom wants me to stay home a couple more days and get some of my makeup work done that she picked up on Friday. I am exhausted so I go to bed.

I wake up at around 8 and go eat breakfast. My mom is at work so I'm home alone today. I got up to my room and start on some of my school work. Julie or Zayn are going to bring me my work from today after school.


It is now almost 2:30 and school will be out soon. I finished three days of work today which is a pretty good start. I grab my guitar,sit by my piano and sing a couple songs. First I sing No One by Alicia Keys, then Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson, both on my piano. I pick up my guitar and start the music for Circles by Jana Kramer.

Just the thought of you around

Gets my head spinning... in circles

Just the way you say my name

Gets my heart turning... in circles

You got me spinning like a wheel

Oh how you make me feel

It's more than gold on my finger six feet down and forever

Cause where I am, is where you begin

You picked up the pieces and put me together

You're the only part of me unbroken and I'm going... in circles

Every crooked little lie

Bended, connected... circles

Every star up in the sky

Every hello and goodbye

Every moment by your side

Is the meaning of my life

You got me spinning like a wheel

Oh how you make me feel

It's more than gold on my finger six feet down and forever

Cause where I am, is where you begin

You picked up the pieces and put me together

You're the only part of me unbroken and I'm going... in circles

In circles

Just the thought of you around

Gets my head spinning... in circles

Just the way you say my name

Gets my heart turning, turning, turning

Around and round again

You got me spinning like a wheel

Oh how you make me feel

It's more than gold on my finger six feet down and forever

Cause where I am, is where you begin

You picked up the pieces and put me together

You're the only part of me unbroken and I'm going... in circles

In circles

Just the thought of you around

Gets my head spinning... in circles

"Wow I didn't know you could sing." I hear and turn around to see Harry standing in my doorway. How long was he standing there? "How long have you been standing there?" I say and he responds, "Long enough to hear you sing that song. How did I not know how good of a singer you are?" "Well I don't usually sing in front of people and I really only started singing after you, you know. It was my safe haven. The only other people that know that I sing are Zayn, Julie, my mom and my dad knew." I say and feel a lump form in my throat before I start to cry a little. Harry notices and rushes to hug me. "It's okay I'm here." He says and I lean into him.

After I stop crying we end up watching a movie, we are sitting on the couch and I have my head on his shoulder and he has his arm around me. I still don't know what we are, if we are boyfriend and girlfriend, or just friends. "Harry." I say and he hums in response. "What are we?" I continue and he gives me a confused look, "Are we just friends or?" I say and he replies, "I want to be more than friends. If that's what you want."

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