Chapter 23

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I look at the clock and it reads 6:30. Sophia has been gone for a hour and a half. The store is only like 5 minutes away I hope she's ok. I get up to walk into the kitchen but my phone rings. It's Sophia so I answer. "Sophia I'm glad you're okay I was starting to worry." I say. "Sir is this Harry?" That's definitely not Sophia and panic instantly fills me. "Yes I'm Sophia's husband what's going on?" I ask and the man answers, "This is officer Jones. Your wife has been involved in an accident, she was hit by a truck. It wasn't her fault the other person is at fault for the accident. She was hit from the passenger's side and has a head injury. She is being taken to Kindred Hospital." I drop the phone. I should have gone with her. Is all I can think to myself. "Okay thank you I'm on my way." I hang up and grab my keys. I get to the hospital within 20 minutes. I rush in and go to the receptionist desk. "I'm looking for Sophia Styles." I say and the lady replies, "Who are you to the patient?" "I am her husband." I answer. "Okay she is getting a cat scan right now but her room number is 210 on the second floor." She says and I say, "Thank you." I get up there and sit in the waiting room. I call her mom and she said she will be on the first flight here. The doctor comes out and says, "Everyone for Sophia Styles?" I walk up to him and say, "I'm Harry Styles, her husband. I just got off the phone with her mom. She lives in New York and said she will be on the first flight out here." "Okay well we took a cat scan and there is no bleeding to the brain, but she does have a traumatic brain injury and we don't know any side effects yet. She is awake and you can go see her." He says and I reply, "Thank you." He takes me to her room and I see her laying on the bed with a bandage around her head and an IV in her arm. She looks at me and I see a look in her brown eyes that I've never seen before. "Why the hell are you here?" She asks and I am taken back by her question. "I'm your husband." I say and she says, "Why would I marry you? You are a complete jerk and you don't give a shit about me. You have bullied me for the last year and I don't want anything to do with you. I hate you." Tears fill my eyes when those words leave her mouth. "You don't remember." I say and she asks, "I don't remember what? And where are my parents?" "It is 2017. You graduated high school. We made up, we went to prom together and got prom king and queen. You love me I love you. We have a dog named Sierra, you live with me in a apartment." I say now yelling because I can't believe she doesn't remember. The doctor comes in and says, "What's going on here?" "She doesn't remember that we are happily married." I say still yelling. "We can't push her to remember. We need to let her remember on her own." He says and she speaks up again, "Where is Zayn, where are my parents?" "Your mom is on her way she just texted me from the airport. I will call Zayn and your dad... he died a year and a half ago." I say and she starts crying. I call Zayn and he gets here within 20 minutes with Julie by his side. "Oh my gosh! Sophia are you okay?" "Julie she might no-" I start but before I can finish Sophia says, "Who are you?" "I'm your best friend Julie you saved me from Harry and his jerk friends in our senior year of high school." She says as she starts to cry and Sophia replies, "I'm sorry but I just don't remember you." She looks at me and says, "Why are you still here? Get out." She says and I try to say something but she yells, "GET OUT!" I leave the room and as I'm leaving I hear Zayn say, "Sophia, Harry and you are married you are happy together." "I could never be happy with someone like him." I hear her reply and it rips my heart up. I sit in the waiting room.


Why are they saying that I am married to Harry? I don't understand how I could ever be with him. "You attempted suicide last year and Harry was at the hospital. He cares about you. He loves you. You guys moved in together last September and got married last month." Zayn says and I reply, "I don't remember. How can I remember?" I ask and Zayn answers, "I don't know I'll go get the doctor." He leaves the room and I am left with this girl who's name is Julie, "I'm sorry I don't remember but how exactly did we meet?" I ask and she answers, "Well one day Harry and his friends knocked my books out of my hands in the school parking lot and you ran over and helped me. You also kind of showed Harry up. To be honest." "Well I want to remember you so we need to hang out so it will come back to me." She nods and Zayn returns with the doctor. "Your friend explained your question of how you can remember. Well if I were you I would go live with Harry like you were before. I understand that you hate him for some reason, but it will help you remember if you go back to how your life was right before the accident." He says and I respond, "Okay well when can I be discharged?" "Probably tomorrow we just want to keep you overnight to make sure you are stable" I nod and the doctor leaves the room.


It is 9 a.m. and I just woke up. My mom got here at like midnight last night and is on her way here right now. Julie stayed with me last night until like 10. I'm starting to remember her. I remember the day we met and us hanging out. I still don't remember anything about Harry and our relationship, but I can tell that he cares about me since he only left the hospital a little bit ago. My mom walks in, "Honey oh my gosh. How are you?" She asks and I answer, "I can't remember everything with Harry the last thing I remember is him bullying me in my junior year. I don't remember that we are married or that we live together and I don't know what to do." I say now crying. "Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry. But I know you'll remember because you guys were so in love it will come back to you. Just give it time." I nod and the doctor walks in. "Okay you look good and you can go home. Here are your discharge papers. You will need to make an appointment in a week to see your improvement." He says and I say, "Okay." I make the appointment and we leave. I hope I can remember.

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