Chapter 11

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It is May and prom is in two weeks. I need to ask Sophia. I need a promposal. I start brainstorming and now have a sheet full of ideas, but I think I have the perfect one. I'm going to need time and help. I go downstairs and find my mom watching tv. "Hey mom. I need your help with something." I say and she asks, "What do you need help with?" "I need help setting up my promposal." I answer and she replies, "Ok let's get started."


It took my mom a couple hours but it's perfect. All I need to do is put on my tux and get Sophia over here.


I am sitting on my couch when my phone dings.

Harry: Can you come over?

Me: yea be there soon.

Harry: Good. See you soon babe.

It is 9 at night so this must be important. I go change into jeans and a t-shirt and leave for Harry's. When I get there Anne, his mom answers the door and says, "Hi Sophia it's been awhile." "Yea it has. Where is Harry?" I ask and she answers, "oh he's waiting for you in the back." I walk out there and I see lights strung in the trees they have in the back yard and rose petals in the pool. "Harry?" I say and he comes into view, he is wearing a tux. He grabs a box off the table that is next to us. He opens it and there is a cake that has PROM? Written on it."Oh my gosh! Yes!" I say and kiss him. We sit and talk after that and I go home at like 10:30.

I wake up and go downstairs to tell my mom about last night, "Mom Harry asked me to prom last night. I need to get a dress." She smiles and says, "Ok what are you waiting for?" We get ready and head to the mall. We go into a couple dress stores and are about to call it a day when one catches my eye. My mom follows me over to it and we say, "Perfect!" in unison.


The last two weeks have gone fast and it is now the day of prom. I got my nails done yesterday and am getting my hair done right now. My hair is half up half down and my makeup will be natural. It is almost 6 and Harry is picking me up at 7. My hair gets finished and my makeup is done. I now get into my dress. It is a black two piece dress. The top has long black laced sleeves and the bottoms is an a-line skirt. I am wearing black heeled sandals. I have dangly diamond earrings my dad pre-bought and told my mom to give it to me on my prom night. I grab a silver clutch and put my phone and lip gloss in it. I go downstairs and wait for Harry. He gets here and I open the door to let him in. My mom takes pictures of us and we leave. The school is decorated beautifully with a disco ball and other lights. We get punch and sit at a table for a little while. We dance a little bit and it is time to crown prom king and queen. Harry and I are candidates to my surprise, so we have to go up on stage. Our principal says, "Your prom king is... Harry Styles!" Everyone claps and he gets crowned. "And your prom queen is... Sophia Mitchell!" I am absolutely shocked being that a month ago I had two friends out of the whole school and was being bullied. I am honestly happy. I get crowned and Harry and I have our dance. Take My Breath Away plays. I wrap my hands around his neck and he puts his arms around me waist. "I love you." Harry says and I say, "I love you too." We dance and then get our picture taken for the yearbook. We leave at around 9 and Harry takes me home. "I had so much fun." I say and he says, "me too. Good night." "Good night babe." I say and kiss him on the cheek. I shut the door and go to my room. I put my pj's on and go to bed.


I can't believe how fast this week went and I can't believe that I'm in a cap and gown. High school went so fast. My mom knocks on my door. "Come in." I say and she walks in and hands me a envelope, "This is from your dad read it."

Dear Sophia,

I am sorry I can't be there for you today. I am so proud of you and can't wait to watch you do amazing things. I know that Harry has been bullying you, but if you don't already know this. 4 years ago he came to me and told me that he loves you and I told him that you love him too. You guys will get through this. I love you so much and couldn't be prouder of you. And just to let you know, I will be watching you receive that diploma.

Love, Dad.

"We need to go!" My mom yells from downstairs. I run down there and we leave for the school.


We get our diplomas and our principal speaks again, "Congratulations class of 2017! 3... 2... 1!" We throw our caps and then have to find them. Harry, Gemma, Anne, and Robin find us and we take pictures. I notice that my mom pulls Anne aside and they both return with smiles on their faces. There is a party tonight for all the seniors that Louis is hosting. Harry is picking me up at 8. It is 6 now. I get ready and wait for him to get here.

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