chapter 3

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diners and dreams

"Where are we going?" I asked Dean over Bon Jovi.

"A diner a couple miles from here. We'll talk there, but also eat. Those sons of bitches know how to make an awesome burger."

A couple miles later, he parked in front of a place called Joe's Diner, Sam, Dean and I getting out and strolling inside. We were seated in a booth by the window, Dean on one side, Sam and I on the other.

"Okay, where do we start?" Eagerly, I asked.

"With food, I'm starving." Dean answered, opening his menu and grinning at its contents.

"Uh, do we want to start talking about a plan to get Natalie?"

"Sure, I did some research while you were upstairs. So get this-" Sam started.

"Shut up, Sammy." Dean muttered, still staring at his menu. "Food first." Sam and I exchanged a look, grabbing our menus and flipping through them. "Haha, awesome." He added, smiling again as a waitress walked up.

"Can I get you any drinks?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at Dean and Sam rolled his eyes. The former handed her his menu, saying,

"We're ready to order, so I'll have the triple decker bacon burger, extra sauce and coffee, please." He grinned at her.

"Anything else?" The woman was obviously flirting, and it would've been downright embarrassing had Dean flirted back. Thankfully, it had been a very sleep deprived week for the Winchesters and he was way too hungry to try anything with her.

"Nope." He looked at us. As I started to order, I noticed the waitress's countenance fall a bit. She wanted to hook up with the hotty. Oh, get a life! I thought, knowing Dean must've had one night stands with at least half of the pretty waitresses he encountered. Poor Sam was probably sick of it.

"Oh, uh, I'll have the Joe's special with water and a lemon, please."

"And I'll take the chef salad with water, too. Thanks." Added Sam, giving her both his and my menus.

"Alright, those will be out in a minute." She gave us a tepid smile, walking back to the kitchen.

"Okay, now can we discuss a plan, please?" I pleaded as soon as she was out of sight.

"Definitely." Sam responded. "As I was saying before, the demons who attacked you were working for someone. I think it's Lilith, or some other demon she... employs." He stated, Dean looking at him with concern on his face.

"Lilith? That bitch? Would she really have something to do with this, killing a random family, kidnapping a random girl and doing all this random crap just for a random twenty-something year old girl who seems perfectly normal?"

"Look Dean, we don't have much else to go on. The facts are: we know Lilith wants us dead, or at least me, which makes her top of the list of demons we need to gank anyway, we know demons took Natalie, and we know they're serious about wanting Alex. What more do you need?"

"Okay, I see your point." Dean leaned in. "But say it is Lilith. What we need to figure out is why she wants Rosewood."

"You know you can just call me Alex." Shrugging, I spoke, but the boys were too invested in their conversation to notice.

"Yes and I'm trying to figure it out... but Dean, if it's Lilith, it's serious."

"I know, I know." Sighing, he slouched back in his chair. Just then food came out to us.

"Do you need anything else?" The waitress asked.

"No, I think we're fine, thank you." Politely, Sam answered with a smile. As she left, I gaped, my mouth watering.

"That was fast." I spoke in awe as my majestic cheeseburger was finally sitting in front of me.

"Not nearly fast enough." Dean declared, grabbing his burger and taking a massive bite out of it. He closed his eyes and chewed slowly, a grin creeping up on his face. I inched closer to Sam, muttering,

"Is this what he's always like?"

"Only around food." Sam whispered back. For a moment, we stared at Dean across the way, dumbfounded looks on our faces. He opened his eyes at the silence, squinting suspiciously at us.

"Okay, I love the silent reverence for this spectacular food, but it's creeping me out a bit."

"Uh, yeah, right." I stared for a second longer, and then dug into my food, Sam following suit. After a moment of sweet gloriousness, I too savored the moment with eyes shut and a large grin.

"Okay, so back to the topic at hand-"

"Shut up, Sam!" Dean and I glared at the man, having to pause in our joy to snap at him. His shocked expression was amusing and I once again dug into my food.

A few hours later, a much fuller and happier group once again hopped into the Impala, driving back to the house. As soon as we got there, Sam and Dean checked the perimeter with holy water and salt. They'd briefed me in the car on the ride there that salt was vital in dealing with demons and also ghosts. Salt would keep them out of the house, because they couldn't cross a salt line and holy water burned them. As they went about their task, I went upstairs, laying on my bed and falling asleep almost immediately. Dreams made their way into my mind, most benevolent, but the last one horrible.

I was walking down the street with my family, all of them, my father, too. I must've been 5 or so years old, because my dad died when I was 8 and it was far from that awful time. Clutching my mom's hand and my sister's, I sang aloud 'you can't hurry love' as the rest of  my family joined in. I looked up at my mom as she gazed lovingly at dad and smooched him. Natalie and I both grimaced and pretended to gag, then giggled. Jason was running up ahead with his kite, sprinting to the park.

Dropping my mom's hand and dashing towards the park with Nat as fast as our little legs would go, I felt something warm on my hand. As a loud pop sounded behind me, I stopped running looking at my hand in confusion. Thick, sticky blood covered it and I gazed back at my mother, my sister tugging on my other hand. Horrified, I couldn't break my stare, mom's chest and lower body dripping with blood. 

"Come on, Allie!" Natalie cried. As I continued to gape at my mother, dad started to disappear, one hand holding mom's bloody one, the other in the air as a silent goodbye. He was gone an instant later.

Before I could say something, or cry out, I heard another pop behind me. Turning quickly, I gasped. Jason lay on the ground, eyes open with a vacant expression, his little 8 year old self facing me. Blood pooled around his head as a tear slipped from his eye.

Gazing in horror, I flipped around again, starting to run to my mom, but she wasn't standing anymore. Body drenched in blood, she lay face first in the gooey, red liquid. Her own gooey, red liquid.

I squeezed my sister's hand as I started to buckle and fall, the shock making me feel like I would pass out. Natalie's hand started to slide away from mine, and I turned my head over to look at her. With a face void of emotion, she was pulled away from me by some sort of force I couldn't see.

"No, no! Natalie, don't leave me!" I finally cried aloud. "Everyone left me, you can't! Please!" Begging and screaming, I gripped her hand tighter, this time with both hands. I dug my heels into the ground, pulling her as much as I could. It was no use, Nat was gone in seconds. I fell to my face,  shrieking and crying, calling her name.

"Natalie! Nat, no! Please, Natalie, come back! Don't leave me! Natalie!"

Waking up, drenched in sweat, I sat up to see Sam sitting on my bed, his arms around my shoulders, apparently trying to wake me up to no avail. I stared at him, eyes wide, then hugged him tight, needing comfort.


"Please, just stay here and don't leave me." I whispered into his shoulder, shaken. His arms wrapped around me without another word. 

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