chapter 18

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I make friends with a nice demon 

All of the sudden, I was thrown to the side, the strange forcefield broken. Dazed and confused, I shook my head and stumbled to my feet, looking to my right to see a blonde woman with a knife start attacking demons. She glanced over at me.

"What are you waiting for? Help me out!" Realizing that the woman was the answer to my predicament and somehow broke the trap, I sprinted to help her. A demon ran at me, but I quickly dodged his punch and grabbed his head with my hand, smiting him with my touch.

I looked behind me at the hunter, who seemed to be struggling with his bonds and I turned to aid him. Before I had a chance to do anything, another demon grabbed me from behind and I pushed him off easily. Pivoting around, I proceeded to touch his forehead, but smoke flew from his mouth as the demon inside him tried to get away. I reached up without realizing what I was doing and grabbed the smoke with my hands, shoving it back into his mouth and smacking my hand against his head.

As the demon screamed and fell to the ground with his eyes scorched, I stared up into the eyes of the demon named Darrell who'd hit Nat.

He gave me a smirk, but his eyes betrayed his fear. Grinning with narrowed eyes, I leaped towards him and dodged his jab with the long dagger he held. Suddenly realizing Darrell was holding the angel knife, I paused a moment too long and he Darrell lunged at me again, but I grabbed his arm and twisted it around, stabbing him in the chest. With a flash, he was dead. As I seized another demon and burned it with my new favorite ability, I looked up to see Malthus grabbing Natalie.

"No!" I yelled, running at him and smiting another demon on the way. I hadn't reached him yet as he snatched a knife and held it firmly to my sister's neck, a small drop of blood slipping from the tiny cut he inflicted.

Skidding to a stop, I held both hands out in surrender, watching in horror as my enemy gripped my sister tight. His eyes burned with anger and my heart somersaulted anxiously.

"Call off your lackey." Malthus snarled. When I didn't do anything, he roared. "Call her off!" Spit flew from his open mouth as he furiously dug the knife a bit deeper in Nat's neck.

"Okay, okay. Just don't hurt her." I spoke timidly, my heart racing faster. Not knowing the girl's name, I glanced to the side and caught her eye. "Please stop." I urged her as she dug her knife into the demon she fought, his body glowing and then thumping to the ground.

Staring at me, then looking over at Malthus holding Nat, she raised both hands in the air.

"Both of you, stay away or the girl dies." He spoke again, a thin trickle of sweat dripping from his brow. Malthus was nervous and I knew that I'd have to work with that if I'd be able to save my sister.

"What do you want, Malthus?" I asked, frowning. "Your demons are gone, you have nothing left to keep me here. It's not as if I can stay trapped forever." Slowly attempting to get closer to him, my gaze shifted from Nat to Malthus, trying in vain to communicate something to her. We needed a plan and so far it was a half angel, some random chick and a captive redhead against a powerful and possibly insane demon. Not great odds for the girl group.

"Stay right where you are or I slit her neck." He hissed and my hands went higher.

"You do that and you're dead." I say, not angrily, more deadpan and Natalie somehow smiled at that. Still had her sense of humor and there I was worried she'd lost it.

"Ruby, help me capture the angel and give her to Lilith. You'll be pardoned for your crimes if you help me. Lilith will be more than happy to have an angel on her side, it'll destroy whatever shite plan the Winchesters have, not to mention anything the angels can cook up."

𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 - a Supernatural FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now