chapter 16

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After Malthus had told me the plans he had for me, I was left alone. Sitting back down on the chair, I sighed, leaning over and running my hands through my tangled mane of hair.

"What on earth can I do?" I mumbled, my stomach feeling so sick I was worried I might actually throw up. Then, another thought suddenly occurred to me. "I'm a fucking angel." I said, my palms sweaty and mind reeling. What the hell was happening?

Before I had a chance to dwell on it further, I heard a door start to open. I jerked my head up and saw a demon standing there, a familiar knife in hand. With a glare that could probably have killed a man, I stared at him. He smirked at me, then waved his hand as if to signal to someone behind him something. Confused, I frowned and watched as another demon walked in, then another one who carried the body of a ragged looking girl... No, not just a ragged girl, it was Natalie!

"Nat!" I shrieked, trying desperately to get past the strange symbol below me, even trying to beat the invisible wall that held me in. "Natalie! What's wrong with her? What did you do to her?!" The demons just chuckled at my outburst as I yelled at them angrily. "I swear to god, once I get out of here I'm going to fucking kill you all!" I screamed, my voice cracking as if I was losing my voice. I kept yelling profanities and threats until finally, I couldn't yell anymore. A few seconds passed where I didn't say anything, just glared furiously at them.

"You done?" One of them asked, his face showing his amusement.

"Screw you!" I hoarsely hollered. That only made them laugh which made me madder.

"Look, your sweet sister is fine, we just had orders from Malthus to bring her here. She's a bit shaken up from our last visit..." The same guy said. They glanced between themselves with grins and I shouted another profanity at them, completing it with my middle finger and vehement glare.

"Relax, bitch. Your sister'll live." He spoke again and they left the same way they came in.

"Yeah, go you little shits! And leave my sister the hell alone!" I called after them, voice cracking at the end. I was so livid, my hands seemed to steam. How come I'd never noticed that I could do that before?

Glancing over, I saw Natalie stir. Fury dissipating, I banged on the see-through boundary that held my wrath in.

"Nat? Nat!" I cried weakly.

"Wh-what?" She started to sit up, some blood slipping down her face as if from some unseen cut on her head. Groaning, my sister's hand immediately flew to her head and she started to lay back down.

"Natalie! What's wrong? Are you okay?" Miraculously, it seemed my voice came back to me. Sitting up quickly, her pain on the back burner now, her gaze flew to me.

"Alex?" Nat whispered incredulously. Then her tears started to fall as she ran to me unsteadily. "Allie!" Because she wasn't half angel, she ran past the boundary keeping me in and squeezed me tightly in a hug.

I held her firmly, letting her tears wet my hair as she sobbed into my shoulder happily. I knew it wouldn't be that happy of a reunion, considering I couldn't leave, but I let her have her moment of joy, my own happiness settling in like a warm blanket surrounding me. My best friend was alive and okay. Well, relatively okay.

"I love you so much." Natalie whimpered into my ear.

"I love you, too, Natalie." I smiled broadly, feeling so happy and complete now that I knew she was alive. But, was she really fine?

"Nat, Natty." Gently, I pushed her away to get a better look at her. "Are you really okay? What did they do to you?" I asked, worry clouding my words.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." Mumbled Nat, looking down quickly so as not to meet my searching eyes. She knew I'd read her like a book and that's precisely what I did.

"Tell me exactly what the hell those sons of bitches did to you." I commanded and she gave me a small look. That wasn't like my sister at all. Natalie was always the brave one and I wasn't used to the roles being switched. Whatever they did to her, I would find out and I would kill them all, slowly, painfully and with them knowing how much pain they put her into.

"Alex." I could tell she was weak, but trying so hard to be strong. "I'm fine."

"No." My jaw tightened in anger. "No, you're not and I can tell. I'm going to kill them all." I hissed. Natalie's face changed to something that resembled fear and confusion.

"What happened to you?" She asked softly, but not in a fearful way, it was more of a rhetorical question. I stared at her in confusion.


"What happened to Alexandria Jean, the little girl who just wanted to sing? What happened to her?" Natalie's chin quivered as she spoke, a single tear slipping from her eye down to her chin.

"They killed our family, Nat, our family!" Painfully, I whispered. I wanted them dead, I wanted revenge. Why didn't she?

"This isn't you, Allie." She bit her lip, shaking her head. "I love you, but this isn't you." Moving backwards, Natalie stared at me, her gaze showing her absolute sorrow. Tears cascaded down her pale cheeks and she finally turned and sat in the chair, facing the opposite way. Her body shuddered as if she was sobbing, but didn't want me to see and my heart felt as if it had broken. Who had I turned into?

I steeled my gaze and looked away, knowing the sight of her would only hurt me more. Malthus had done this, he was the reason I was so angry, it was his fault Natalie couldn't bear to look at me. He was the reason we were in this mess and he was going to pay.

Sitting in the chair, I watched as the same three demons took Natalie and carried her away, and it took everything in me not to stand up, shrieking at them again. But I wanted my sister to remember who I was, remember that I was always her sister she loved, before I would be taken to do Malthus's dirty work and forced to serve that son of a bitch.

I thought of the words Nat said to me, how much they stung and how I'd do anything for her to remember the real me.

I needed the Winchesters, now.   


Author's notes:

When I was writing this I thought it was too short, but I added more and decided to leave it as short as it was, because the next chapter flows better without being part of this. 

Anyways, vote, comment, or add to your library if you enjoy reading about the adventures of Alex and the Winchesters! (that sounds like a cheesy book series) 

Thank you for the reads! Next chapter will be out soon. :) 

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