chapter 21

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reunited at last

That evening was spent in conversation, getting caught up on what had happened at the lair as well as what happened with the Winchesters. I'd found out that Ruby had left, not wanting to deal with Dean's hatred of her or wanting to get 'too cosy' at the safe house, that was what Natalie told me later.

After grabbing some beers and blankets, we sat on the couches in the living room, me in between Sam and Nat, while the older Winchester chose to sit across from us on a comfy chair.

"Malthus?" Dean asked, sounding sceptical.

"Yeah." I shivered, my hand taking Nat's without consciously doing so. "Apparently, he was crazy and believed... well, some insane shit, so Lilith had him kicked out of her gang." Natalie looked my way and I barely glanced at her. I didn't want the Winchesters to know what I was, I hadn't even begun to grasp the strange things that I had been told by Malthus. What if he was lying and my dad wasn't an angel? What if... No, I was part angel no matter what I wished or dreamt of. My mom wouldn't lie and I had her letter in my back pocket. Whatever was in that letter was the truth. I knew it and I couldn't change it.

"That doesn't explain why he wanted you so badly." Mused Dean as I fiddled with the blanket, my hand no longer holding tightly to Nat's. "And why Lilith won't still come after you."

"Dean's right." Sam frowned. "How can we be sure you're safe?"

A long moment passed. I peered at Nat, wondering what I should say. She didn't even know the whole truth, so maybe I should've just come out with it. Taking a moment to breath in and out slowly, I contemplated how to tell them.

I sighed and started to speak.

"I know this is going to sound crazy..."

"C'mon, we're the Winchesters. Crazy is our specialty." Dean winked, glancing first at me, then sharing a long look with my sister. I couldn't resist a smile at that.

"Well..." I bit my lip, continuing to fidget with the comfy blanket that covered my legs. "Promise neither of you won't look at me differently after I tell you." Adding quickly, I pleaded, staring across at Dean then tipping my head to gaze into Sam's hazel eyes.

"Of course." Sam said sincerely while Dean raised a brow, then nodded.

"I, um, my dad was named Zuriel." I started, watching Natalie's reaction. She stared back at me intently, giving me barely any notion that she was totally weirded out. "He was an angel."


"You're part angel?" Sam finished Dean's sentence, though he didn't sound half as confused as Dean, but enough so that I gave myself a moment before I replied.

"Why don't I start from the beginning?" I suggested. Both guys nodded and Nat did, too. "Basically, my mom wrote this letter..." Lifting my butt off of the couch, I took the letter out of my back pocket and unfolded it. I saw Natalie's eyes widen as she glimpsed it and I held it in my hands, not wanting to read it in front of everyone.

"Mom gave you a letter?" She asked, almost in awe, but I knew she just missed our mother who was probably still in the morgue by now.

The idea that Jason and mom still hadn't had a proper burial killed me, though there was an obvious excuse for that. Nat and I barely had been safe for a few hours and once we went back, our family would definitely have a funeral, they'd be buried next to dad. Unless of course the Winchester's had some other way to bury the dead and keep them that way.

"Yeah." Barely more than a whisper, I gave my sister a little smile. Our moment lasted a brief second before Sam spoke.

"What was in the letter?"

𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 - a Supernatural FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now