chapter 10

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counting stars 

"3 days left!" The demon's voice hissed and I sat up in bed, panting.

My body was drenched in a cold sweat and I couldn't get the voice out of my mind. I needed to execute my plan, because she could've been dead already. Glancing to my left, I stared out the window into the bleak night. Stars and moon shone brightly, so bright my eyes almost hurt, and I blinked rapidly to get used to it. Thinking back to a different time, Jason's words echoed in my mind:

"When I grow up, I want to be an astronomer." Said my brother, peeking out from the treehouse we sat in at the darkness above.

"What's an astronomer?" 6 year old me asked him.

"It's someone who studies the stars, Allie." Natalie answered, giving me a pretend noogie.

"Well, I want to be a singer, they get to be famous!" I exclaimed.

"Astronomers can be famous, too." Jason added, making sure we didn't forget he was there with us.

"Not that much. What are you going to be when you're mummy's age, Natty?" I inquired of my sister, watching her think as she bit her lip.

"Maybe I'll be a secret agent, or a bodyguard." My sister, ever the brave one and the huge dreamer replied. I remember giggling at that.

"Why would you want to do those jobs? I thought boys did that!"

"Not every boy is half as brave as Natalie, Alex." Smiled Jason, looking from us back to the stars scattered throughout the dark, night sky, his eyes filled with admiration, both for his sisters and the magnificent heavens.

Closing my eyes, I sighed and rubbed my face.

Go to bed. My tired brain yelled at me, but I couldn't. It was time to do something, I knew that, but my heart didn't match the angry, very tired voice in my head. Finally, I slipped my feet off of the bed and gazed at the stars as if asking them to give me an idea to get Natalie home.

That's when I opened my eyes and saw the shooting star.

Call me a Disney Princess, but that's when I knew what to do.

I'd fallen asleep after I decided on a plan, then woke up suddenly. Frowning, I realized I smelled food, specifically bacon and possibly pancakes. I got up as quickly as possible without injuring myself again and was downstairs as fast as humanly possible, my side pain slipping to the backburner.

Once I reached the main floor, I went to the kitchen, but frowned when I noticed I was alone.

"The hell?" I mumbled, slowly stepping over to the pile of pancakes and bacon next to the stove. My mouth was watering so bad, I almost forgot the fact that Sam and Dean weren't there.

Pancakes piled high, with melting butter and syrup slipping down it's edges, bacon sitting next to it and a cup of hot, black coffee in a mug before me, I smiled. I cut a bit of pancake with my fork and savored the fluffy flapjack with it's syrupy overtones. Glancing over, I noticed the clock hanging over the sink. I nearly spat out the food that was in my now open mouth.

"12:00?" My eyes widened to the size of moons and I stood up quickly, wincing at the sharp pain that followed. "Where are the Winchesters?" I muttered, attempting once more to run as fast as I could to retrieve my phone, nearly choking on my food that had yet to be swallowed as I did so.

Gasping as I finally made it to my room, I grabbed my phone and squeezed my eyes shut while my aching side took some time to recover. I plopped onto my bed. A minute later, Dean's voice was loud in my ear.

𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 - a Supernatural FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now