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3 months later

I sat on my bed, computer in my lap, wondering what on earth I could do to finish the atrocious paper I'd been procrastinating on for the last few days. I wrote a subpar sentence, looked at it for a second afterwards then, with a huff, deleted it. Sighing, I closed my computer and stared around my room.

Being back at home after the best and worst week of my life was strange, it almost didn't feel real. Nat and I both had to find new jobs, being gone for almost two weeks without a word kinda isn't good for an employee to do. I'd started writing more songs, singing at cafés and pretty much any place that would let me, working on college classes, though I'd almost gotten bumped a grade due to my unnamed absence. Fortunately, but also unfortunately for me, horrible as it was, I had the excuse of my mom and brother's deaths to convince the dean that my grades should stay where they were.

The funeral for Jason and mom was, in a word, heartbreaking. I'd had a week to forget that they had died, but now the pain all came back. Our future seemed so bleak without them.

Natalie had been brave, though it was all an act, I saw through her. She and Jason were so close, the three of us were like the three musketeers, and it felt as horrible as the angel blade did to watch the 24 year old man be put in the ground so young. I remember seeing he and mum in their caskets. They looked so lifelike and beautiful, it gave me hope that they'd found peace at last. They were probably already talking about Nat and I with dad, catching him up on everything that happened in the last 13 years.

I missed them and I always would. But I had my sister.

Natalie and I talked often about the Winchesters, I told her about how much I liked Sam and she told me she and Dean had sex when Sam and I cloud gazed, which was positively way too much information for me. We spoke of them with fondness, wishing that they'd possibly find themselves at our apartment someday, though that would no doubt mean something awful had happened. I thought about how Dean had been sentenced to hell for his brother, how sad and selfless that was, and how I wished I could change his destiny. I also thought about what Sam would do when that happened and it made me terribly sad.

I leaned back and laid on my pillows, eyes shutting, as I reminisced about the few days with the Winchesters.

I thought of Sam, of his beautiful, ever changing eyes, his thoughtfulness and kindness, his long, shaggy hair, our conversations, his teasing, his dimples. I missed seeing Sam horribly. And Dean, the older brother with his wise-cracking, absolutely annoying comments, his emerald green eyes, his irresistible smile.

But mostly, I thought of the time we spent together. The laughter that followed most of our anxiety-ridden failed attempts at finding Natalie, the diner runs, the card games, the conversations we had, all the meals we cooked. I truly missed that. I wished so badly to see them again, but I knew that the only way I would would be if something terrible happened again, though it wouldn't be that bad if it was only a poltergeist. I would always miss them, but having my sister was all I needed, and if that meant never seeing the Winchester's again, I'd deal.

It was a happy time and being with my sister again was amazing. I didn't realize just how much I needed Natalie and missed her when she was gone, but I had her now and I was never letting her go ever again.

She was a changed woman after the demons and Winchester's. I think she and Dean spoke about what she wanted to do, because she almost immediately went to the gym and applied at every place she could to be some sort of bodyguard/secret service agent. Nat's bravery never ceased to amaze me and it cracked me up how similar Dean and she were.

I started thinking of Sam again and I sat up slowly. Glancing to my side table, I remembered my journal. I picked it up and flipped through the pages lazily, landing on the last page that had been written on. It was a song I'd been writing, with someone specific in mind, and I couldn't quite figure out the chorus or the second verse very well.

Peering over the lyrics I'd written so far, I bit my lip and dropped it on the bed as I stood up. I took my guitar off the wall and bounced back onto my bed lightly, holding the page open as best I could while figuring out the right chords.

"You are the one I've waited for..." I mumbled, frowning as I strummed a slightly off sounding chord. Fixing it, I add another line. "You are the one that I adore."

Grinning, I quickly wrote the lyrics down and continued strumming my guitar in the key of D.

As I struggled through some lame lyrics and settled on a key, I started the song over from the beginning to the end of the now finished chorus.

"How much you meant to me. Meant to me." I sang softly, a smile beginning to creep onto my lips. I continued my new song, through a second verse and the chorus again, my grin widening as I thought of the inspiration to my song. There was a Sam Winchester out there who might never hear it, but I hoped he would and I hoped he knew who it was about.

Finally, it was a finished song, a tribute to someone I knew I'd never forget who helped me find my sister and myself.

A smile plastered on my face, I sang it through in its entirety, occasionally slipping the lyrics or playing a wrong note. Truly, I'd never had an inspiration to write a song like this before and, as I played, I knew that I would become who I wanted to be partially because of the week with the Winchesters, looking for Natalie. My songwriting abilities weren't ever as good as they'd gotten and it was because of the stress, pain, sorrow, anger, joy and happiness I'd found in those few days.

When the final note was sung, I held my guitar close and felt a tear slip down my face. I wiped it with a smile, the bittersweetness hitting me hard, and I heard a tiny rap on the door. Sniffing quickly, I spoke.

"Yeah?" With a creak, the door opened to the smiling face of Natalie, her long, red hair up in a messy ponytail. How did she always look so perfect in crappy clothes with her hair a mess? In her hand she carried a letter.

"Didn't want to disturb you while you were singing, but I found this in the mail. I think it's for you. Guess you have an admirer or something." She smirked and tossed it on my bed, winking and shutting the door again. Before I had time to say anything, Nat opened the door once more and added, "That was a beautiful song, by the way. When can I buy the album?"

"Oh shush." I smirked and rolled my eyes as she laughed and the door was closed. Taking the letter, I glanced at the door, assuming she must've known who sent it from her look. My heart took did a somersault when I saw the address and my name written in some of the crappiest handwriting I'd ever seen.

Ripping it open as fast as I could, I saw the words, dear Alex, at the top. There were two pages and I quickly looked for the name at the bottom. When I saw the end of the letter, my heart seemed to attack my ribcage violently.

It said, with love, Sam Winchester

The End 


Author's notes:

It's crazy how invested you can get in a character, even if you're the writer. 

I nearly cried finishing this, and I'm happy with the end. If you're interested in a sequel, dm me or comment what you think. I'm not planning on one, but the idea is pretty awesome in my mind, though this has a pretty definite and good ending I think. 

Anyways, say goodbye to the Winchesters and Rosewoods, Hot Dean, Sweet Sam, Brave Natalie and Angelic Alexandria. 

Thank you all so so much for your support in this venture! I'm so happy and sad to have finished this, but I feel good that it's done. 

Vote, comment, tell me what you think and thanks again! <3 

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