chapter 15

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An Irishman teaches me about the supernatural

Lifting my head from it's lolled back position, I blinked slowly and tried to wake up. My head didn't hurt at all, though I knew I'd been knocked out. Weird.

When I saw who was in front of me, my anger burned once more.

"How'd you sleep?" He said, voice back to his silky accent and face full of confidence. But I knew better, I could read people better than almost anyone I knew, though I often second guessed myself.

His eyes were the dead giveaway. Pupils wide with fear, those slightly enlarged eyes showing me I'd scared him possibly more than he'd scared me. I knew my shot at finding my sister and getting out of there would be a cool temper and his fear of me, but I couldn't get rid of my fury.

"I need to see Natalie."

"All in good time." He chuckled softly, stalking towards me. My eyes turned to slits.

"Show her to me." I commanded.

"Fine fine, but not until after I've properly introduced myself. I'm Malthus." Malthus held out his hand in an attempt to shake mine from across the room, but rolled his eyes instead. "This... body I'm in is Irish, so I can never properly say my name. It's with a th, but the Irish never say their th's right." He sighed. "Oh! I forgot to read you your letter." The smug man smirked, picking the letter up from a table across the room.

"Give that to me!" Shrieking, I ripped the ropes free like I did before and stood up. But I couldn't move from that spot. It was as if I'd hit a wall. 

"Don't bother trying to attack me or the other demons." Calmly, Malthus strolled to me, stroking my letter like it was a kitten.

"What-what is this?" My voice was small as I realized I really was trapped. I looked to the ground and I was standing in the middle of a giant, strange looking symbol looking as if it was written in blood.

"Doesn't matter what it is, just sit your arse down and listen." He ordered, grinning from ear to ear and opening my letter.

"Stop!" I begged. "Please, that's from my mother!"

"You'll get it back, don't worry your pretty little head about it." He chuckled and started reading.

"'Dearest Alexandria,'" A smirk.

"'I didn't know how to tell you this, so I decided I'd write a letter instead. I truly hope you do not hate me for it or yell at me, because I can't bear to see you hurt. This isn't easy to tell you, but you need to know and you should've known long ago.

"'The year before you were born, 1985, I was visited by someone, a man I'd loved long ago. He was the first person I'd fallen in love with, I met him senior year of highschool, but he broke my heart and left a year later. I was heartbroken and in turn met the man I am now still head over heels for though he's long gone. Your father, Jack.' How fucking adorable your mum was."

"Shut the hell up!" I seethed. He just continued, his mocking of my mother making me angrier and angrier.

"'Anyway, the man, his name was Zane, or, he told me his name was Zane.' Oh just get to the good part!" Malthus yelled. "'When he came back, that was a horrible time for me. A few months before, your father had lost his job and started drinking.' blah blah blah blah. 'The man I loved had changed and I was heartbroken. That's when Zane came back.

"'I remembered how wonderful he was, I remembered how he made me felt. We went out a lot of times, me pouring my heart out to him, he returning it and explaining why he had to leave me. Something about going home to take care of his sister. So, a cold winter evening when I'd had a couple drinks, missed my husband very much and wanted someone to love me, Zane spent the night.

"'I'm not proud of my actions, in fact, I wished I could take it back, until I remember how much of a gift it turned out to be.'"

My heart started beating faster and faster.

"'Later, a few weeks or so after, Zane and I talked. That's when he told me who he really was, and I in turn told him I was pregnant. With you. Please, keep reading and don't be heartbroken because I never told you. You were the greatest blessing in that hard time and I can't imagine a world without you as my daughter.

"'Your father is Zuriel, an angel.'" Malthus paused and looked at me with mock shock plastered on his face. I couldn't breathe. The demon continued.

"'From what I've heard, angels can't have hybrid children, but, and I don't know how to explain it, you were.

"'It's complicated, confusing, and a lot of information you may not want to hear, but that night was a different experience than any other time I had with any other man. Maybe I let Zuriel in and he possessed me when you were formed, maybe his grace slipped into the making of you, but you are quite special.' Your mother certainly puts a bit too much information in her letters!"

"'I told Zuriel to leave after that, I was too frightened about what having a child with an angel meant, but he assured me there wouldn't be any side effects. That wasn't the truth, and I'm sure you've noticed things. Not only that, I didn't love him.' blah blah 'love you very much.' blah blah 'Mom'."

Breathing slowly, I suddenly felt a tear escape. The first since the night a week ago when I'd held my dead family. I hadn't realized I'd been that close to crying until then.

My whole world turned upside down. Dad was never really my dad, and he'd been a mess, my real dad was some low life angel who left my mom when she was young, my mom cheated on my dad and I was... I was...

"I'm part angel." I breathed, staring at nothing in shock. Hearing chuckling, my eyes snapped back to Malthus. He was laughing quietly in scorn. "That's why you killed my family and took Nat, that's why I'm here." Everything started to click in my brain and it was like an explosion of questions and answers all running around in my mind. No longer was I standing on the precipice of weeping. "That's why I heal so fast, that's-that's why dad gave me the dagger and that's why those demons are dead."

I turned my gaze to the demons on the ground, their eyes burnt and steaming. Malthus nodded.

"Bravo! The bastard angel finally knows what she is! Now that you know what you are and what you can do, you'll be a good ally."

"Why on earth would I be your ally? You murdered my family!"

"That's exactly why you'll help us." His smug grin was borderline evil as he stepped over the dead demons and stood on the edge of the symbol on the ground. "Because what sane person would risk their only family being killed simply for the chance to be free?"

Heart falling, I stared at him and knew he was right. I had no way to get my sister out if it would just kill her later. In more ways than one, I was trapped. My only hope was that Natalie would be let go, or the Winchester's would rescue her.

For me, I decided to embrace my fate as it seemed I couldn't ever go back to a normal life, or what seemed normal to me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, defeated.

"Well..." Malthus raised his eyebrows. "Where to start?"


Author's notes:

Alex is part angel! Who saw that coming? I did... ;) anyways, just a few more chapters until Secrets of Rosewood is done! Any guesses as to how this ends?

𝒮𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 - a Supernatural FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now