chapter 12

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diner food is definitely good for you

I woke up the next day quite late. I guess that comes from spending most of the night dreaming about demons and the deaths of loved ones, then waking up in a cold sweat. At 12:30 when I finally walked downstairs, after a very cold shower, I trudged into the kitchen and threw the fridge door open. Dean was at the kitchen table and he barely glanced up when I passed.

"Someone had a long nap." He commented and I rolled my eyes, grabbing some leftover pancakes and putting them on a plate, not even bothering to heat them up. As I sat down next to Dean and ate the pancakes cold, I sighed loudly.

"Yes?" Dean asked, not looking up from the old hunter's journal he read, the same one I'd seen before.

"Nothing." I muttered, then I peeked over at him. "Whatcha reading?"

"Nothing." He smirked at me and I gave him a mocking death glare.

"Hunter's journal?" Asking the question I already knew the answer to, I bit into the first pancake I'd taken from the fridge. It wasn't very good. Dean frowned and stared at me as if wondering how I knew that it wasn't just some book. He set it down and ran a hand through his unmade hair, gazing off into the distance as if seeing someone who wasn't there.

"My dad's." Dean glanced me after quietly speaking.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"Hey, why don't we peel Sammy away from his computer and get some real food?" Smiling, he raised a brow.

"You mean diner food?" I giggled. "That's not real food."

"Of course it is!" Dean said defensively. "I can't eat another taco or anymore canned soup or I will go insane. We seriously need to eat some burgers or burritos."

"Well, I haven't really been outside of the house for awhile, since..." I rubbed my sore side and grimaced. "Yeah, I could use some fresh, diner air." I got up and dumped the rest of my uneaten pancakes in the trash. "And I definitely could eat something other than this."

Dean laughed as I made a face.

"Alrighty, let's get Sam." He got up and sauntered to the other room. " Sam!"

We went to the same diner we'd been at the first night. Once we stepped in, I immediately scanned the place for the waitress we'd seen before. Thankfully, she was nowhere to be seen and we were seated quickly to Dean's delight.

"Anymore brilliant plans?" I asked him as soon as we sat down. This time, I was next to Dean and Sam was across from us.

"Still think it wouldn't hurt to torture one of those sons of bitches and get some information from them. Maybe cut off a few fingers." He muttered. Unfortunately, it was loud enough for an older couple passing us to hear. Sam and I looked at each other with horrified expressions on our faces as Dean smiled to them and waved. They rapidly left the diner, their faces white with horror.

"Dean, you really shouldn't talk like that around... people." I whispered. Sam nodded his agreement with me and his brother rolled his eyes.

"Rosewood, nobody gives a rat's ass what someone in a diner said once. Hell, diner's are full of weirdos." He shrugged. "Sam, did I ever tell you, that I saw the guy on the news, the sex offender, at a diner near the border a couple weeks ago? Apparently, the police had been trying to catch him for months."

"Since when do you watch the news?" Sam scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. "I thought you only watched porn."

"Shut up, Sammy." Dean grabbed his menu and leafed through it while Sam and I shared a smirk.

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