chapter 19

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Rushing to Natalie, I embraced her firmly, letting her tears of joy and relief sink into my shirt.

"It's done, it's over." She said, a giggle almost erupting from her throat. We pulled away and Nat smiled, laughed even, as she kissed my cheek and hugged me once more. After a couple of minutes, Ruby broke the silence.

"We should go. I have no idea how many demons followed Malthus and his radical ideas, but some may show up soon and we need to leave before then." She grabbed a demon knife and started to the door. Looking towards the man, Ruby gave a small nod as if telling him to follow her. He glanced worriedly at her, me then Malthus's dead body and finally jogged after her.

Natalie followed both of them, but I hesitated, glancing back. The angel blade was lying on the ground, a couple inches from Malthus's body, slightly bloodied. Pausing, I noticed he left the letter from mom on the table as well. Without thinking, I grabbed the knife, shoved the letter in my back pocket and sprinted after the group.

We ran up a set of winding stairs, meeting only two demons running upstairs. Ruby quickly knifed them and we continued on. Once we got to a door, the blonde in front took the handle and turned slowly, knowing she had to be careful with the demon lair.

Door swinging open, Ruby entered, her knife in hand and we meandered after her, blinking in the insanely bright light. What day was it even? The last time I remembered seeing daylight was the day I summoned the demon.

I looked to Natalie, heart contracting as I saw a hand over her eyes. She hadn't been outside in over a week. My mind reeled at the pain she must've gone through, the pain those demons inflicted.

Before we'd gone a few feet, two demons grabbed me and Nat and pulled us backwards, throwing my sister to the ground and attempting to do the same with me, but I landed in a crouch. Ruby was on the one who'd attacked Natalie in an instant, and I quickly got up, anger burning in my eyes. Placing my hand to the demon's head, I relished in his scream as he died and fell in a thud before me.

We all stopped and looked around, Ruby taking Natalie's hand and pulling her up after the demise of her attacker. There were no more demons around, but I knew they could always take us by surprise again, just as we thought we were safe.

"C'mon." Ruby muttered. "It's time to leave this godforsaken place." 

 She led us to a garage that stood next to the building we'd been imprisoned in and, to our surprise, there were at least 20 old cars, mostly ones that looked as if they would fall apart as soon as you touched them. Not all were bad, though. We weaved around the junky ones to a car that looked relatively rundown, but okay considering.

Glancing behind me, I saw the hunter we'd saved heading to a different car. I jogged after him.

"Hey, wait up!" I said loudly, reaching him and tapping him on the shoulder. He turned.

"What is it?" Asked the guy and I recognized the defeated gaze he had.

"I never got your name..." I spoke, being slightly thrown off by his dejected appearance.

"It's Ray." Turning again, Ray started to walk away.

"Ray, hold up!" Once more, I called after him. Ray merely pivoted to look at me.

"What?" Sighing, he asked, his brown eyes blank.

"I wanted to say thank you... you saved me and Natalie and I can't begin to describe how extremely thankful I am." I gave a smile. "And I wanted to invite you to come back with us to the safe house the Winchester's-"

"Look, I don't want to be part of your little angel, demon, human club." Ray interrupted. "I just want to leave and be left alone, okay?"

I frowned, not understanding what he'd said. Angels? Sure, I was one, but demons? Hadn't we just killed the last one? That's when I turned to stare at Ruby as she helped Nat into the car, studying her questioningly. Who was she?

Before I could say anything else, I heard a car starting behind me. Ray was in the driver's seat and I waved and mouthed 'thank you'. He simply nodded and sped out of the garage. I meandered back to the car Ruby had picked out, anxiously biting my lip, my frown deepening.

"Ruby." I declared, watching her closely as she turned to me.


"Can we talk?" Gesturing to the side, she nodded and followed me a bit aways from the car.

"Who are you?" I asked when we were far enough away from Nat.

"My name's Ruby." She stated matter-of-factly, as if I didn't know that already. "I'm a friend of-"

"No, Ruby, what are you?" Grabbing her arm and pulling her closer, I hissed.

"Fine fine." She sighed, rolling her eyes. Suddenly, her eyes were black and then their normal blue a second later. I leaped back, eyes widening as I realized my theory was true. I'd been piecing the puzzle together ever since Malthus had mentioned Lilith and Ruby being pardoned. She had to be a demon otherwise it didn't make sense.

"What? I'm no angel, but I'm still the person who saved you. And if I wanted to kill you, I'd have done that awhile ago."

"You can't kill me, Ruby." I declared, daring her to add to that. After a few seconds, I shook my head with a sarcastic smile. "A demon saved an angel. How wrong is that?"

"I saved you, okay? I'm not planning on killing you or your sister, either." Ruby got closer to me, her breath hot in my face. "I'm taking you back to the safe house, but I don't plan on seeing you again."

"How do I know you won't tell big bad Lilith about me?" I maintained eye contact, hoping she was telling me the truth. I'd found I was okay at knowing when someone was lying.

"You don't, but I won't. I'm not a big fan of that bitch, and I'm not exactly on good terms with any demons, especially now." A pause. "You're taking a chance with me and I know being friends with a demon isn't at the top of anyone's list, but for now you need me. I can get you back to the Winchesters. Sam and I are... friends." She added and my eyes narrowed. "You need me, Alex."

Sighing, I realized Ruby was right and I didn't have to agree with her or even like her anyways. She saved us, so I owed her and even though she was a demon, I was incredibly grateful she was there.

"Fine." Nodding, I breathed heavily again. "Take us back to the Winchester's, please."

I watched Ruby as she grinned and strolled to the car, so sure of herself. A demon helped us escape from demons, it just sounded so ironic and strange. Shrugging, I followed and plopped into the passenger's seat. I propped my feet on the dashboard and noticed with satisfaction Ruby's annoyance at my action.  

"Argggggggh." I moaned under my breath, my hand clutching my side.

"You okay, Allie?" Questioned Nat from the backseat.

"I'm good, nothing life-threatening." I gave a fake grin she couldn't see and closed my eyes tight. Minus when I was stabbed in the side a few days ago, I hadn't really experienced true pain, not like normal humans did. It simply never lasted because it healed so quickly. Plus, the pain I got from the angel knife was far worse than any other pain I'd dealt with.

After a couple minutes of driving, I realized it hurt less and less, probably because it wasn't as bad as the first major wound I had received, but truly I believed it was because Nat and I were finally together again.

My best friend was okay and that meant I was, too. 

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