chapter 20

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my sister truly is the biggest flirt 

We'd been driving for at least an hour, but I barely noticed how long it'd been. All I could think was that Natalie was finally safe and so was I, the angel knife with that horrible ability to hurt me finally in my grasp again.

Finally, I grew curious. How did Ruby know about me or Nat being captured? It couldn't have been just a coincidence. Scrunching my eyebrows, I studied her as she drove. Her blonde hair was slightly tangled and there was a bit of blood on her face, though I couldn't tell if it was hers or a different demon's. Ruby looked fierce and I could definitely imagine that the woman she was inside of was some sort of fighter, whether it was in everyday life or she was straight up a boxer.

"Ruby, how'd you know about us, about the demon lair?" Softly, I inquired. She glanced over, then turned her gaze back on the road.

"I didn't until I got a call from Sam. He told me about you and Natalie and mentioned that it was maybe Lilith." Biting her lip, she gave a small laugh. "Call me crazy, but I knew it wasn't her who had you. That's when I remembered Malthus. He was the insane demon who was kicked out of Lilith's circle because of things he said about angels and demons and cross-breeding that didn't seem possible. Not until he found you." She paused, her gaze meeting mine for a second.

"Anyways, he and a bunch of his crazy followers formed some kind of demon following, devoted to finding and using the 'half-breeds', as he called them, no offense."

"None taken."

"So, I knew I could get in if I pretended I believed their horse shit. And I did. The rest is history." A long moment passed as I absorbed the information.

"Sam sent you?" I spoke after awhile, not meeting Ruby's eyes as she peered at me.

"Yeah. You got a thing for the hunk?" She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me you met a cute guy in the week I was gone!" Natalie blurted out. Laughing, I shook my head at both girl's eagerness to talk about guys and my possible love life.

"Wow, you two. Won't waste a minute asking me how I'm doing as a single 21 year old."

"Shut up, I only meant that of course it had to happen while I wasn't there." Nat giggled and Ruby simply shook her head, a smirk on her lips.

"You never answered my question, though." She raised a brow, paying attention to the road, thankfully, so she couldn't see my blush.

"I'm not saying a thing." I chuckled. "You two can wonder all you like."

"Damnit, Alex." Groaned Natalie good humoredly from the backseat. "I just wanted some semblance of normalcy after this week."

I shook my head and we all shared a laugh.

The safe house was mere minutes away and I couldn't stop my heart from thumping extremely fast. It was Sam, I got to see Sam again. Not only him, Dean also, being like a brother to me. I was happy, though my wound ached. Happy because of Nat being with me, not being a captive anymore and seeing Dean and Sam.

So happy and excited that when the car finally reached the house, I got out and sprinted up the steps as fast as I could, any pain still lingering gone because of my adrenaline. Too happy that when I burst through the doors, my face was streaming with tears.

"Sam!" I screamed, blazing towards him.

"Alex!" Sam exclaimed as he stood up from the couch.

Crashing into his arms, I sobbed. This was the moment, I realized, the moment I finally let go of all the pain, anger, hurt and bitterness inside me. My face was pressed into his chest, his arms wrapped around me. He was taller by a significant amount, but it didn't bother me. Still hugging, he lifted me up and squeezed me tighter, spinning me in a circle.

Sniffing, I let out a squeal and started to laugh, the tears still falling. Sam shifted forward, dropping my feet on the ground. He finally pulled away and I could see how happy he looked that we were finally safe, that it was over. A tear dropped from his eye, then another and he wiped them away, grinning broadly, his perfect dimples on display for the world to see.

I was so happy.

Turning around, I saw Dean emerge from the kitchen, confusion furrowing his brow.

"Sam-" then he saw me. "Alex." His chin quivered and he looked like he was going to cry.

"Dean." I smiled.

"We-we tried to find you both. We did everything we could-"

"And it worked." Slowly, I strode to him, hugging him tightly. Voice breaking a little, Dean held me tight and whispered to me.

"I'm so sorry we didn't do more. I'm so so sorry."

"Hey, we're alive and fine. It's okay." After a long moment he kissed my head and let go, quickly removing any traces of crying. Dean sniffed and puffed his chest out, smirking. 

"I knew you'd be fine, asshat."

"Sure you did, dipshit." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

That's when Nat walked in.

"You weren't kidding, asshat." Dean muttered. Looking at Sam, I grinned. He laughed, stepping over and putting his arm around me protectively.

"Nope, I wasn't." I whispered back. Then I spoke louder. "Natalie, this is Sam and Dean." I gestured to each of them in turn. Natalie looked first at Sam, his arm placed over my shoulders, and raised an eyebrow, smiling to herself. Then she turned to Dean.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." She smiled charmingly, her long coppery hair falling over her shoulder. Dean and Nat shared a long look, obvious sexual tension between them.

"The pleasure is all mine." Dean stepped forward and took her hand, kissing it. She blushed, the gesture taking her by surprise and she quickly covered it with another one of her lovely smiles.

"I hear it was you both who helped my sister. Is there any way I can... thank you?" Natalie moved forward again and he raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." Dean smirked again. Without warning, Natalie gave him a kiss on the cheek and Dean's eyes widened. My eyebrows shot up and I turned to Sam, his expression priceless. His mouth had dropped open and he looked strangely confused, but he quickly shut his mouth and let an impish grin replace it.

"I knew they'd hit it off, but..." I trailed off, biting my lip and grinning as I watched the two of them start to talk. Sam nodded.

"Me too. I guess we have quite the similar siblings."

I let a small giggle escape my throat as I suddenly thought of them dating. If Dean stayed in one spot long enough or somehow stayed with a girl without being his usual flirty self whenever another pretty one caught his eye. Natalie was a bit like that, but not as much.

"Oh god, they better not hook up with us in the same house." I dropped the smile and stared in disgust at the two of them.

"Holy-no, just no." Sam added, both of us watching our siblings.

A moment passed, the grossness of Nat and Dean subsiding,A moment passed and then I turned to look at Sam, my Sam. A smile started with one side of my lips inching upwards. I tried to hide it, but it was no use and soon I was beaming up at him. He met my eyes and confusion lingered there.

"What? What is it?"

"Nothing." I shook my head, still with a bit of a grin on my face. "I'm just happy." 


Author's notes:

Finally back together! I absolutely love these four so much, omg. 

Btw, I love that gif with Charlie and since she has red hair, I thought it apropo to put it in here. <3

Thank you all for reading! 

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