chapter 14

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I said the words out loud and waited. Glancing behind me at the house, I knew the boys were fast asleep, but wanted them to figure out I was gone by the time it would be safe. It was scary, my heart was beating like a drum and I clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe when my sister was okay, they'd find me and rescue me. But Natalie was all that mattered and if that meant I was taken for good, I'd deal.

I turned back around and gasped.

"Glad you reconsidered our offer." The demon before me hissed, grinning wickedly. "And not a moment too soon." He grabbed me and pressed a familiar knife into my ribs, my back against his chest.

"You-you don't need the knife." I pitifully whispered, the aching in my side acting up again as the blade seemed to reopen the wound. It had barely touched me, but somehow, it felt like it was searing my bones, whole body feeling as if I was on fire. "I'm coming with you willingly."

"I'll take my chances with the weapon. Don't want you calling the Winchesters," The creature spat the name out, then added, "Or angels."

"Angels?" Frowning, I barely had time to think through his odd words before a blunt object was smacked against my head. I blacked out.

While my mind was in some floaty dream state, I remembered what happened back at the safe house.

Dean and Sam deciding on the best way to save Natalie, something I knew wouldn't work. Me sitting there, knowing that my plan had to be executed as soon as the Winchester's were asleep. But they wouldn't go to sleep without doing some stupid thing to save my sister, no, I needed to give them something to help them go to bed and not wake up for anything. Remembering my mother's best sleep remedy that nearly cured her insomnia, I tripled the dose and put it in the boy's waters. Thankfully, they had all the ingredients and it was easy to give it to them without them noticing.

Once they were asleep, I went upstairs to get what I needed: my phone with the incantation on it, a ponytail for my hair, and some socks and shoes. As I bustled around my room, trying to make sure I had what I needed, I saw the letter mum gave me. It had fallen from under my pillow to the floor and I slipped it into my shirt, my intuition telling me I should read it before I was taken.

And I was back downstairs and figuring out the recipe for demon summoning before I went outside. As I said the last words-

My head jerked up and it was strange. I opened my eyes to see blackness and I thought I'd died, then, whatever was over my head was lifted and I blinked hard at the blinding light. It seemed I was in an interrogation room, with some lamp shining right into my eyes. I squinted and finally started to see where I was.

I sat in a metal chair, my hands tied behind it and a shadowy figure loomed before me. It wasn't the demon I'd met with before, the one who'd killed Jason and mom, though this one was still eerily familiar. He was frightening in a very calm way, as if he was a serial killer who liked to talk to his victims before smiling while stabbing them to death.

A chill went down my spine. This wasn't a game, I was on very thin ice. There was something the man wanted with me and it couldn't be good. Suffice it to say, I was terrified. Then he spoke.

"You must be wondering why you're here. Unless you... know already." The demon smiled, at least I assumed he was a demon.

His accent was Irish, and it took me by surprise, though it didn't make him any less scary. I had to remind myself, the demon inside this man was evil, not the man himself, but it didn't help.

"Where's Natalie?" Was all I said, my voice sounding weak to me. Good job, Alex. Way to show him you mean business.

"My sweet little Alexandria, all in good time." The man coolly squatted in front of me, tracing my jawline. I moved my head away in disgust, but he grabbed my face and turned it so I was staring in his incredible ice blue eyes. His look turned murderous.

"You cannot be completely oblivious, surely." Squinting those terrifying eyes as if to burrow deep in my thoughts, he gave a half smirk. "Or you are. How on earth would your mother not tell you?"

"My-my mom?" Mind blank, heart thudding, I tried to think through what she could've possibly kept from me.

The man let go of my face and stood, starting to pace the room a bit, laughter ensuing.

"Not even a hint? No, she wanted to protect you, didn't she?" He roared. "What a horrible way to do so. How did you not notice how different you were? Healing, I'm sure. And did any other... powers cause you to think otherwise?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I loudly asked, my fear being overcome with my curiosity and anger at his veiled words. Instead of answering me, he held up an envelope. The very same one mom put in my journal.

"Would you like to know?" He flicked his eyes black and grinned. My mouth dropped open and eyes grew wide.

"Where did you get that?"

"Oh, don't act dumb. You had it on you from the moment you summoned my minion." He squatted in front of me and waved it in my face, eyes becoming normal again. "Would you like me to read it to you?"

"Give it back to me!" I shrieked, straining against the restraints. "That's from my mother! Give it to me!" The man only laughed.

"All in good time. But... I think you deserve to know what you really are, don't you think?" My mind reeled as his words sunk into me, but I was mad. Far more angry than I thought I would be as I stared at the man who held the last little piece of my mom in his horrible, demon hands. I felt like I was on fire, my fury growing.

Before I had the chance to yell profanities or tear myself from the bonds I was in, something strange happened. My hands started to burn and the demon before me seemed to shrink, his eyes growing wide and mouth dropping open. Then, I was standing, no ropes typing me down and the world starting to glow blue. Without knowing why, I started to walk towards him, my hand outstretched. He opened his mouth and seemed to be yelling something to someone, but I couldn't hear his words.

I was so angry it was like I was subhuman.

He rushed from the room as demons started to swarm in. They held various weapons, only one holding my dad's knife, though I wasn't daunted. I stalked towards them, still seeing everything in blue, and dodged the first demon's blade, touching him on the head. He screamed and then his eyes burnt, body hitting the floor with a thud. Pausing, I frowned at what happened and was smacked in the head again, passing out. 


Author's notes:

Ahahaha! The plot thickens! Anyone have any inkling as to what the demon (Michael Fassbender) was talking about, or why Alex got all subhuman? 

You'll find out on next week's chapter of Secrets of Rosewood! 

That sounded like a tv show, lmao. So yeah, this story is coming to a close, sadly, and it's a lot shorter than I thought it'd be, but I'm kinda excited for it to be completed. Not planning on a sequel, but who know what the future holds?  XD

Also, I love Michael Fassbender so much and I thought he'd be a good fit for the boss bad guy cuz he plays a good creepy guy and I'm a sucker for insanely hot, scary villains. >:D

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