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Unknown P.O.V. 

 I knew that I was different and that someone my age shouldn't understand what was going on at this age. My parents were packing, but they weren't packing clothes. No, they were packing weapons, strapping them to their hips, placing them in their boots, and all this other stuff. 

"What's wrong?" I asked in my little voice. My parents were running like crazy, and I knew something had to be wrong, my parents are never paranoid. 

My parents froze in the doorway before my mother quickly ran over to me and hugged me. My father quickly went back to looking through drawers for something. I wrapped my small arms around my mother, scared of what was happening. 

"Everything's going to be alright honey, I'll be right back, stay with daddy I'm going to go get your siblings," my mother explained before running out of the room. 

My father was throwing papers everywhere as I walked over towards him and sat in his seat. He seemed happy with the papers he found before we both heard multiple howls outside. 

My body started to shake in fear as my father turned and looked at the full moon out the window. I was suddenly pulled out of the seat by my father and lifted into his arms. 

"Thane!" I heard my mother yell to my father. I jumped in my father's arms as I started to hear banging on the front door. 

The air threw my hair everywhere. My father was running faster than a normal human ever could, for he was not an ordinary human, but a hunter. 

I've been explained thousands of times what a hunter is, and that I'm also a hunter because apparently it's in my blood, or that's what my parents have told me. 

A hunter is someone who fights these weird creatures and helps make the world a better place for humans. I want to be a hunter when I grow up, and my parents say as long as I train hard I could be the best out of all my siblings. 

"Let's go," my father told my mother. She was with my other siblings while my daddy had a bag full of stuff I didn't know of. 

The banging got louder on the door and I clutched my dad's shirt tighter, scared of what was on the other side. 

"Daddy," I whimpered. 

"It's going to be ok sweetheart, daddy's here to protect you," my father said while his hands calmly ran through my hair.

"Honey, got the salt, wood, and everything else?" I heard my mother ask. I was confused by what she meant until my father started running through the bag he had.

"Which one do we need?" my father asked. I watched as my father was still sorting through the bag, but I was confused on what we needed.

We were running through the forest in the middle of the night. I could see my mother in front of me even though it was pitch black outside.

"Thane! You'll need to take care of this one!" I could hear my mother's voice before she ran off. My dad dropped me next to my siblings and the next thing I knew, there was someone in front of me with fangs. 

"Stay away from my kids!" my fathers voice roared with anger. He wrapped his hands around the vampires neck before grabbing his hair. He was about to rip his head off, but the vampire threw his elbow into my father's stomach. 

His neck was a little ripped, but not enough to kill him. I looked over towards my mother to see her fighting two giant werewolves. They looked as big as a horse and I could only guess they were what my parents would call an 'Alpha'. 

I saw a little wolf walk over towards me and my siblings. I formed fists on my small hands. I might be very young, but I was taught to fight since I was able to walk. 

The little puppy growled at me and I mimicked it, growling back the best I could. I wasn't a werewolf, so the werewolf ended up laughing at me. 

I could feel my blood boil as the wolf rolled on it's stomach and continued to laugh at me. I jumped on the wolf in pure anger, wanting to kill him for laughing at me. I had hunter blood running through my veins, I was meant to be feared by everyone. 

We ended up rolling over each other, fighting for dominance so we could prove who was stronger before killing the other. The pup kept trying to bite me, but I made sure he didn't get a chance to. 

I threw a punch towards his jaws and I could hear my mother cheer me on in the background. The little wolf grew angrier and I quickly kicked him off me before he could bite me. 

I flipped myself over and quickly got up, ready to fight and defend my siblings. A howl made me turn away from the pup and towards my mother. The bigger wolf was the one that howled while the other wolf was on the ground, not moving. 

I felt the wolf take this as an advantage and he knocked me on the ground. He started growling at my face while I made the mistake of looking right at his eyes. 

The wolf on top of me seemed to stop while I was confused with the look he was giving me. The wolf grew happy and his tail started wagging while I looked at him weirdly. 

I kicked him off of me again and quickly got up. I could see out of the corner of my eye, that my father had just stabbed the vampire in his heart. 

The wolf whimpered as my mother killed the other werewolf, leaving only the pup left. My mom grabbed my siblings, and I was happy that I could protect them, but as I turned back to the whimpering wolf, I felt sorry for him. 

His parents were just killed by mine, but I quickly shut out the fact that I shouldn't have any feelings towards this wolf. 

He looked at me with sad eyes and just backed away from me. I almost had to fight myself to not harm this wolf, but my blood was telling me to harm him in every way possible. 

I took out the small knife my mother had given me. She wanted to make sure that I had something to protect me in case I was ever in danger, so she decided once my siblings and I all reached the age of five we would be given a small knife. 

The wolf's eyes widened in horror at me as he continued to back away from me. His back hit a tree and he started whining, begging me not to kill him, but my parents have been teaching me to not show mercy, so that's what I did. 

I stabbed him in the stomach and blood started covering his fur. I left the knife in there, thinking that my parents can always get me another one to defend myself. 

The wolf closed his eyes and I could feel myself pity the young werewolf, but I knew one day he would grow up and become a killer. All werewolves grow up to kill. 

My father ran over to me and quickly picked me up, he didn't seem to mind the blood that was all over my hands, but I knew it wasn't my blood, and for that I was happy. 

My first kill and I wasn't harmed other than a few cuts from the branches and scraps from the small pebbles and rocks I hit and landed on. 

"Oh, my baby is alright," my mother said as she hugged me and squeezed the life out of me. She looked at my bloody hands and instantly became frightened, thinking that the blood was my own. 

"Calm down," my father kissed her head before continuing, "it's not her blood, she had her first kill tonight and used the knife you got her." 

A smile formed on my mother's face as she hugged me again. I wrapped my arms around her neck, so happy that my family is safe. I don't know what I would do if my parents were both killed. 

The thought of my parents being killed lead to the wolf I just killed. He can be with his family now, but I wasn't sure I would ever get rid of the pity I felt for him. 

"We've got to keep moving before more creatures come," my father informed my mother. They continued running with me and my siblings in their arms. I didn't know where we were running to, but I clutched my mother tighter, not sure if I liked whatever thought was running through their head. 

Author's notes:

Let me know what you think about my new story, I wasn't sure whether I should have gone with the name and picture, but I want to see how it works out.

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