Chapter Twelve - Quid Pro Quo

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The rows of streetlights passed us by, and the stars were but a blurry shimmer in the dark sky, obscured by the city smog. Beside me, Parker shifted in his seat, resting his elbow against the window.

"Have you visited your dad yet?" I asked.

"No," he replied, almost scoffing.

"What about bail?" I'd remembered some guest speakers on the news estimating that his bail would be set at a few million.

"He's been denied bail. They think he's a flight risk," he said. "I'd agree. Knowing my parents, they're up to something."

The car stopped in front of a guard post and the driver said something before the gate was buzzed open. The wheels crunched against gravel momentarily before reaching the new paving. The car rounded the fountain and stopped in front of Holden's door.

Samuel let us in and looked at Parker momentarily before saying, "Madam Lennox is in a rather bad mood, sir."

"Thanks for the heads-up Sam," Parker replied, taking the wings off his back, holding them in his hand. I followed suit and held mine as well.

"Darren, you call this book keeping!?" Came the shrill shriek. We came into the living room just as Parker's mum hurled a thick file at the man standing before her. She had a hand clasped over her forehead and the other on her hip. She turned to face us as we come in. "Do you know what time it is!?"

We both glanced at the clock. It was a little past midnight. There was a clatter from the kitchen and Holden's mum came out with a few cups of coffee. "Did you two want some coffee or tea?" She asked.

"No thank you," I replied. Parker shook his head. She gave him a gentle smile and set the cups down before going back into the kitchen.

"I'll see you tomorrow first thing in my office with the proper paperwork," Parker's mum said. The man nodded frantically and turned, on his way out. "Oh, and Darren?" He turned back to face her. "Another screw up and don't bother coming back into the office ever again."

"Yes ma'am," he said. As he walked away, I could hear him swallow down hard.

Parker and I stood there awkwardly as the man practically sprinted out of the house. Parker's mum sat down on the couch and let out a long sigh, hanging her head in her hands. "I told you that you needed to prep for the press conference tomorrow, and you purposely go out? This family is a mess and you refuse to step in and help clean it up!" She exclaimed.

We all heard the front door open and Holden came in, still grinning from whatever memory he was thinking of. "Whoa," was all he said when he faced our silent stares.

"Parker. You will come to that press conference tomorrow. And you will step into the junior role at the company. We need to show our shareholders that as a family we are strong," Parker's mum said, her keys tapping rapidly against the screen of her phone.

"What? I thought we agreed that I wouldn't step in just yet!" Parker exclaimed.

"Well, times have changed. Trying to get your father out of jail is enough work for me. I don't need everyone thinking that our family is falling apart."

"What's there to fall apart? It's already so messed up," he scowled.

"Don't you bring him up again," his mum snapped. Who were they talking about?

Parker turned to me. "Let's go," he said.

"What?" I replied as he led me out by my hand. It was a weird sensation, mostly probably because my hands were so sweaty.

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