Chapter Twenty-Six - A Secret Admirer

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Chapter Twenty-Six – A Secret Admirer

LOGAN FINALLY CAME BACK TO SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY. I nearly ran into him as I made my way to my locker that morning. His hair was disheveled with stray strands in every direction, his eyes surrounded by dark puffy rings. His normally immaculate uniform was wrinkly and the tail of his shirt bobbed as he walked.

"What?" He practically yelled when I narrowly managed to dart out of his way. His brows were furrowed, lines deeply etched into his forehead. His expression softened slightly along with a flash of recognition. "Just watch where you're going."

Funny, coming from the guy with his head down as he walked down the hallway. Against my better judgement, I followed him to his locker.

"Logan," I began. He dropped his backpack into the locker and turned to face me. He looked even worse up close. "How are you doing?" I asked, with absolutely no preface, referring to the events of that night.

"I'm fine," he replied gruffly.

"Ok. Well, I'm here...if you need" I waited for a moment, but he didn't reply. "Ok, I'll see you around," I said, turning on my heel to get back to my locker.

We weren't friends by a long shot, but I couldn't imagine many people knew about what was happening with him. Since I'd already managed to get myself tangled up in it, the least I could do was be a friend when he needed.

I punched in the combination for my locker and the door opened. A small envelope drifted out and landed in front of me. I put my bag away and picked up the envelope, peeling it open.


Your smile lights up my day


Your secret admirer

My cheeks flushed with heat and I quickly set the note down in my locker, looking around me for who it could've been. I didn't recognise the handwriting and I didn't think there was anyone I interacted with that would leave me a note.

"What the hell is this?" Logan reached into my locker and snatched the note.

"Hey! Give it back!" I exclaimed, trying to grab it back. It was so embarrassing. I couldn't bear for another soul to see it. He held it up high above his head and it was hopeless even when I jumped. He could barely contain his laughter as he read it.

He started howling with laughter, doubling over momentarily before re-reading the note.

"I'm glad it brightened your day. Now you should stop in case the person who left it sees you laughing."

"You're too kind." He stifled back another laugh and straightened his face, handing the note back to me. "Who the fuck leaves notes in a locker? Your smile lights up my day?" He rolled his eyes. "This is just too bad," he laughed.

So much for being the grinch mere moments before. "So who is this fool?" Logan grinned.

"Maybe they'd rather be anonymous. You know? Given the whole note situation..." Just verbalizing that thought sent me PTSD flashbacks to grade six me.

"Doesn't stop it from being a garbage note. Surely this is not meant to impress you?" He looked at me, just in time to catch my face reddening. As if I could admit to anyone that the note actually made my heart flutter a little.

"You'd think after fake dating Holden you'd be immune to this."

"Ok whatever Logan. We have class in ten."

"I believe we have PE first, see you then."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my sport uniform from my bag. The first bell had rung and students slowly began filing into the hallway. No one seemed to spare me a look, let alone have enough time to write me a note.

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