Chapter Thirty-Two - Knight in Shining Armour

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Chapter Thirty-Two – Knight in Shining Armour

LOGAN PULLED INTO THE UNDERGROUND PARKING LOT OF A HUGE APARTMENT COMPLEX. He got off the bike and took his helmet off before reaching out towards me. I felt his hands reach the bottom of my helmet and I quickly pulled it back down. I didn't need anyone else seeing me cry that night.

"Ok...but you can't keep it on forever you know," he said, leading me to the elevator.

"I know," I said, probably incoherently through the helmet.

It was a silent ride up the eight floors and the inside of the helmet was well and truly soaked with my tears. By the time the elevator dinged, I'd managed to keep my tear ducts under control. I pulled the helmet off my head and gave my eyes a quick wipe while Logan unlocked the door of apartment 86.

I'd never been to Logan's house before, but I had definitely pictured a mansion similar to the ones the others lived in. He switched on a light, illuminating a living room with a huge flat screen on the wall. The opposite walls were huge glass panes that extended from floor to roof. The street lights glimmered from the city below.

"You live alone?" I asked.

"For now. My house is like World War three at the moment." He held out his hand and I gave him the helmet back. "Hot chocolate?" He asked, walking into the kitchen. I nodded, sitting down on one of the bar stools in front of his kitchen bench.

He'd driven me around the city randomly for at least twenty minutes while I sobbed my stupid eyes out. He'd said nothing and asked me nothing the entire time. My phone showed a dozen missed calls from Elaine and at least twenty frantic text messages. It was probably time to reply.

The last of them read:

E: you okay? Someone said Logan picked you up?

D: I'm okay. Thanks for checking up on me, just go to bed don't worry

E: I can come get you. I don't feel good leaving you with Logan

D: I'm fine really

E: Ok...but pls call me if you need

D: of course xo

"Is that Elaine?" Logan asked. "You're smiling at your phone."

"Yeah. She's just making sure I'm okay."

"I feel really bad about the thing with Elaine, after Steph's party. I was really far gone that night. She must really hate me, huh?"

"I don't think so," I lied.

"You're a bad liar," he said, shaking his head slowly. He set down a cup in front of me before sitting on a stool opposite me. It was a hot cup of cocoa with two small marshmallows on top.

"So, you stalking me Logan?" I took a sip from the

"I just happened to be driving by," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "And you call me a bad liar," I managed to cough out a laugh.

"Fine. Brace yourself though," he said.

"I think I can handle it," I mumbled.

"I caught a bit of it on someone's livestream," he replied. "So I went to check on you."

I could feel the lump rising in my throat again, this time mixed with the pounding of my heart. I grabbed the cup and sipped on the cocoa.

Logan drove me back home. Surprisingly, I hadn't been hounded by my mum all night.

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