Chapter Seventeen - Found

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Chapter Seventeen – Found

SUDDENLY, THERE WAS A LOUD HORN AND A BRIGHT LIGHT HIT THE SHORE. Parker and I sprung to our feet, weaving through the bushes to get back to where we'd left the lifeboat.

Music was coming from the boat and there was a distinct figure at the bow of the boat. Holden had a sailor's cap on and saluted us. "What have you two been up to?" He yelled.

"Took you long enough!" Parker yelled back. They lowered the plank like thing so we could get on board.

Stephanie and Holden were the only people on the boat. Holden wore some dark navy chinos with a white button up and black bomber over the top. Stephanie had a plain black v-neck shift, her hair curled loosely.

"The school uniform is not proper party attire," Stephanie laughed. "You must be freezing. You look soaked. Let's go get you some proper clothes." She led me below deck to a room. She pulled open the wardrobe and sifted through before grabbing a black garment bag and handing it with me. She bent down to another shelf and pulled out a simple pair of black strappy heels.

"These are super comfy, so you can dance all night. Well, I'll head up to see if Parker needs any help. Just give me a shout if you need me though."

I nodded. "Seriously, I mean it. Any friend of Holden's and Parker's is a friend of mine. I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it," she smiled, resting her hand on my arm.

"Yeah, of course. Thank you," I smiled in return. She was so graceful and elegant, even as she ascended the narrow stairs. She'd handed me a navy cowl neck mini dress. It looked amazing, and I couldn't help but give it one last twirl in the mirror before heading back up.

We were minutes away from the correct island by the time I was ready. The air whistled past us and I realised that the outfit was probably missing something.

"Glad you didn't die," Holden laughed, taking off his bomber jacket before swinging it over my shoulders. He stood behind me, giving both my shoulders a rub before going to check with the captain – I'm pretty sure that's what you called him – of the boat.

Stephanie and Parker were talking. She gestured to his clothing and he laughed. The boat stops along the shore and lets down the same plank thing so we can all get off. There's some sort of wooden pathway lined from the ship's plank leading further into the island.

The four of us walked towards the strobing lights and the booming music. "I can't believe you followed Parker onto a boat," Holden laughed. "He has the worst sense of direction."

"Yep. I can definitely attest to that," I replied.

It was weird, but as the wind blew my hair across my face, I could also smell a distinct smell of Holden coming off from his jacket. It was weird, but not definitely bad.

"It's not my fault I had such a crappy navigator!" Parker said defensively.

"You said you were sure you could get us there!" I retorted.

"We all know how bad you are with directions," Stephanie said, shaking her head.

"Daisy!" Came the exclamation. A shadowed figure hurried towards us.

"Elaine!" I exclaimed.

"I was getting so lonely without you here. I've been to the bathroom three times from the amount of soda I've had," she laughed. "I'm going to have to steal her from you guys now," she grinned.

Elaine might not have liked their clique, but she had a certain way about her. She could get through any social situation.

"You look hot!" She complimented. "Weird jacket choice though. Holden's?" I nodded. "Maybe this time I can get you to dance a bit more?" She grabbed my hand and led me onto the dancefloor.

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