Chapter Forty-Three - Bait

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WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO WEAR? Elaine would've known exactly what to do in that situation. Too bad it was nighttime where she was, and she wouldn't be back until Sunday morning. It was forecasted to be uncharacteristically cold, so I decided to throw on a beige corduroy Sherpa lined jacket over my white t-shirt. I turned to the side. It seemed to look okay with black jeans, but was it too casual? It was a theme park; I couldn't exactly wear a sundress or anything fancy and expect to have a good time.

It was already eight and the bus would take at least half an hour to get there. I didn't want to get there late and have him waiting, so I settled on my outfit, packed a drink bottle and wallet into a small handbag and set off.

"You look nice today. Where are you headed?" My mum asked.

"Theme park with some friends," I sort of lied. Explaining exactly who with and what was happening was a little too uncertain at that stage. "I'll probably be gone all day," I elaborated, slipping on my vans.

"Okay, have fun," she replied.

The bus got to the theme park at quarter to nine, but the park seemed surprisingly empty. It didn't open until nine, but usually there'd be a queue already. There was a sign outside on the main gate. Closed to the general public today. Sorry for the inconvenience. Regular entry will commence tomorrow. Was Parker confused? Before I had a chance to call him and find out what was going on, I felt someone grab my arm from behind. I turned, expecting it to be Parker.

It wasn't Parker. This guy had a ski mask on. His grip tightened on my arm. I tried to shake my arm free from his grip. He pulled me towards him. "Help!" I yelled. But there was no one around.

"Come with me," he said gruffly.

"Stop! Let me go!" I yelled, throwing my elbow backwards, catching him in the chest. He released my arm and I spun around, throwing a knee to his chest. He doubled over. I threw a shin kick to his gut just for safe measure. Just as I turned to run, the strap of my bag fell from my shoulder and gripped onto the bag.

I tore the strap off from me completely, but before I could run, another masked man had come up behind me and grabbed both of my arms. "Help!" I shrieked. "Help!" I kicked a leg backwards, catching him in the knee, but he didn't let go.

"Ow! You dumb bitch!" The first guy came back up and pulled me back by the hair, sending jolts of pain through my scalp. I screamed out in pain. The two of them took my separate arms and no matter how hard I swung my arms around and kicked, there was no way I was getting out of this. Suddenly, a cloth came over my mouth. I tried my hardest to hold my breath, to get it away from me, but darkness eclipsed.


My eyelids were heavy, and my vision was blurred. It felt like someone had taken a sledgehammer to the side of my head. Where the hell was I? When was this? How long had I been here for? I was about to bring a hand up to rub my eyes when I realised that they were both bound to something hard behind me. I was sitting upright, and my ankles were bound to the chair legs as well. My vision finally cleared, and I had no idea where I was. I was trying to open my mouth when I realised there was a strip of tape over my mouth. My attempt to yell became a muffled cry.

"She's awake," a voice said. I turned to the side. A guy was hunched over on a chair holding a thin wooden plank. I recognised the voice. He was the first one who grabbed me, and he was still wearing the ski mask. The second one walked over, a smirk etched onto his face.

They both kept their ski masks on. That meant they might not kill me. I couldn't identify them. At least that's what Criminal Minds had led me to believe. What did they want me for? Was I randomly targeted? Or did they choose me?

The first one walked over and leaned down in front of me, looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were bright blue orbs. "I'm going to take your tape off. You can scream all you want, but there's no one who can hear you outside these four walls."

I looked around me. We were in an empty concrete building. There was a single window of multiple frosted panes and a couple lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. The sun was still up. He tore the tape off in a swift motion and I let out a strangled cry, the tears prickling the back of my eyes.

"Help!" I shrieked. "Help!" I screamed until my throat felt like I'd swallowed sandpaper.

The second looked at his friend and laughed. My heart was pounding, and I felt so lightheaded I thought I was going to faint at any moment. My arms were trembling against the rope that kept me bounded, rubbing my wrists raw.

"What do you want?" I cried. The second leaned down and grabbed my chin.

"We're waiting for your boyfriend."

"What?" I said weakly. Boyfriend?

"The almighty Parker Lennox," the first one said in a sing song voice.

"What?" My voice was trembling.

"We're going to bring that entire family to its knees. And you're the bait." 


OK SO SURELY no one saw that coming

i'm sure everyone has many thoughts about this - please let me know!!

love always,


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