Chapter Thirty-Nine - Mediation

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Holden has found out that the DNA test showed that he and Logan are half-brothers and he feels betrayed that Daisy didn't tell him earlier. He's struggling to deal with it and barricades himself at home.

Logan is finally ready to hear the truth and Daisy tells him what she heard at the Gala about how Holden's dad and Logan's mum got together all those years ago.

Parker launches an intervention because Holden withdrew like that last time when he and Allie broke up. Allie, Daisy and Parker go to the Vermont household to reach out to him. On the way, Allie reveals the reason why she and Holden have so much history, and why they broke up.


The Vermonts' butler let us in when they saw Parker and Allie at the door. Inside, the sound of a child's chortles echoed from the main living area. "A, b, c, d, e, f, g," Fox sang aloud before laughing.

"Allie!" Fox beamed when we walked through the door.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, scooping him up into her arms. She pointed at her cheek and he kissed it. "Why don't you come and play with me anymore?" He whined.

She sighed and thought for a moment before answering, "well, I've just had so much studying to do." Fox screwed up his face, sulking. He looked at me, his head tilted to the side, staring in deep thought.

"Oh hello!" He exclaimed.

"Hey Fox," I replied. He stuck his tongue out at me. I stuck mine out back. Parker stifled a laugh.

"Where's your brother?" Parker asked. Allie let him down and Fox walked over to Parker.

"He's been in his room all day," Fox sulked. "I told him to come out and play but he just stayed there."

"Has he come out at all?" Parker asked, turning to Fox's nanny who was tidying up Fox's pencils and books.

"No. Young master Holden has been in his room since he got home," she replied.

Parker bent down and took Fox by the shoulders. "Can you help me get Holden to open his bedroom door?" Fox nodded. They discussed something and Fox giggled before going over to his nanny. She handed something to him, and Fox led Parker up the stairs.

We all followed to Holden's room – the first one to the left of the top of the staircase. Parker nodded and Fox started pounding on the door. "Holden!" He wailed. "Holden!" He banged his little fists against the door. When that didn't work, he took in a deep breath and all of a sudden started crying. A very convincing cry.

We all knew Holden only had a couple of soft spots, and one of those was definitely his little brother. He opened the door and as soon as he stuck his head out, Fox wiped away his tears and had a permanent grin slapped across his face.

"Oh my God," he groaned. Before he could slam the door, Allie stepped in between the door and frame and we all knew he wouldn't be able to shut that door. With a strong heave, Fox did his best to push Allie slightly forward. Then Parker pulled the door shut and Fox passed him a small key.

"Hey!" Holden yelled, banging his hands against the door. With a click, Parker locked the door. Fox high-fived Parker.

"I'm not watching you lock yourself up for months again. Sort this out or I'm not letting you out," Parker replied.

"Ok, let's go," Fox said with a small jump.

"Go where?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The Park!" Fox exclaimed. "He promised!" He pointed at Parker.

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