Chapter Thirteen - Honest Thoughts

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Chapter Thirteen – Honest Thoughts

"A favour? What?" I repeated, almost unsure of what I'd just heard.

"Not now. But sometime soon," he smiled, tucking the mask into his blazer pocket.

He walked down the hallway past the lockers and disappeared around the corner. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt the arm around my shoulder. "Morning!" Holden exclaimed. "You look like you've seen a ghost," he whispered into my ear. A few girls came around from the hallway and Holden leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. I could feel myself flushing red. Once they went through the double doors and back into the yard, he let me go.

"Really selling it aren't you?" I remarked, pulling away from him, taking my bag off from one shoulder to move my books into my locker.

"So, I take it you'll be coming to watch me train this afternoon?"

"Why the hell would I do that?"

"Rude. Who's going to cheer me on then?"

"All the other girls maybe?" I shrugged, checking what class I had first; it was physics. I thought about what Logan had said. If there was no fake relationship, there was no blackmail. "Look, we should – " I began. The bell rang, interrupting my sentence.

"Yes. We should take this to the next level. See you at practice. Three thirty," he grinned, walking off before I had a chance to protest.

I spotted Bonnie's familiar brown waves and quickened my pace to fall into step beside her. "Hey," I said, trying not to puff too hard.

"Oh hi," she smiled, looking down at the ground as she noticed the stares around us. Over the past week I'd gotten used to the constant stares on my back, whether it was because I was the new girl or because I was apparently Holden's girlfriend. She split from me as soon as we got into the class and I drifted around, not entirely sure where to sit.

I noticed Bonnie went and sat next to a girl whose name I couldn't recall. Obviously, there weren't assigned seats, but it was almost an unspoken rule that after first week, everyone would have found their preferred seats and stayed there. However, I had not been able to.

I glanced to the other side of the room where Stephanie caught my eye, waving me over. "Holden's just late," she said. At the top of my head, I couldn't remember whether anyone sat next to her. If I was correct, Holden sat behind her.

Luckily, Holden came in the door, laughing with a mate before they parted ways. Holden sat down in the seat behind Stephanie and looked from me to the seat beside him. I put my books down on the desk beside Holden's and sat down.

The class had finally settled in and Mr Michaels began handing out the marking keys from our assignments. That was pretty quick marking, considering some of my previous teachers had taken months to get things back.

"Well done," he said, putting the paper down in front of Holden and me. We both bent over to look at the number circled at the top. Ninety five.

"Nice!" I exclaimed.

Holden held up a hand and I high-fived him.

Mr Michaels tapped Holden on the shoulder. "Any idea if Parker will be coming in today?" He asked. Everyone probably knew about the scandal that was rocking the Lennox household.

"Not sure Sir," Holden replied truthfully. Holden opened up his laptop and I caught a quick glimpse of his calendar before he closed it down. His entire week was filled with columns and rows of colour. Busy fellow. The topic test was coming up in a week's time and would be based on the electricity topic we'd just done. Holden opened up his calendar and added it in for Wednesday of the following week.

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