Chapter Forty-Five (Part Two) - Back to You

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Paris in the Rain - Lauv

Part 2


Logan had the bunch of flowers in his hand. Part of him felt stupid, like this wasn't the right thing to do. She was in bed 10B. He was coming down the hallway towards the room when he heard laughter erupt from room 9. He peered through the open door and his heart fell.

Daisy was sitting next to Parker in his bed and they were laughing while Parker squeezed her cheek. She pouted and elbowed him to which he responded with a loud groan. She started fussing and frantically apologising. Logan laughed to himself, looking back at the flowers.

Maybe he could leave them as a gift for the nurses at the ward desk. He ended up leaving them at Daisy's bedside table. As he left the room, her voice broke his stream of thought.

"Logan!" She exclaimed. "You didn't think you were getting away that easily did you?" She grinned.

They'd really done a number on her. One of her eyes was all puffy and the side of her cheek was purple and blue, but she was still grinning from ear to ear.

"You caught me," he replied with a smile. "I'm surprised your skills weren't enough to stop them."

"I know, how shameful...there were two of them though."

"That explains it. After all, I've seen a first-hand demonstration," he chuckled.

After their rocky start and everything he'd done, he knew he'd screwed any chance he'd had with her, no matter how friendly they were now. And he definitely hoped that guys and girls could stay just friends. Because otherwise this was going to hurt a lot more.


"Daisy!" Elaine burst in through the door. She looked at my battered face and came towards me, hugging me so tightly I almost couldn't breathe. "I cannot believe I came back to find you like this," she breathed.

She pulled away. There were little wells of tears in her eyes but with a quick sniffle and look in a different direction they were gone. "I'm okay now," I smiled. She hugged me again. She interrogated me thoroughly and repeatedly wanted to make sure the doctors had done absolutely everything to make sure I was one hundred percent fine.

She took the huge canvas tote off from her shoulder and put it on my bed, laying out the various items inside. "I brought you a toothbrush, some toothpaste, mouthwash, a towel, neck pillow, travel-sized perfume, deodorant, leggings, oversized t-shirt," she began. The list seemed to be endless. "Not sure if I've missed anything," she pondered.

"I think you've managed to relocate a small home Elaine," Logan guffawed. She glared at him before packing it all away.

"Oh and Holden and Stephanie are in Parker's room, they told me to bring you guys over there for food," Elaine said.

My mum got back just as we were leaving.

"We'll meet you over there," Logan said before he and Elaine went over to Parker's room first.

"Oh, I was just going to go eat dinner, come eat with us," I said to her.

"No, it's okay. You can go have fun with your friends," she smiled. "I'm just glad you're feeling and looking better." She leaned in and hugged me. I'd probably been hugged more in that day than in my entire life. She wanted to wait around, but I convinced her to go home for the night because I was being discharged the following morning.

"Your friend has...bodyguards?" She asked before she left.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Two of them have been watching your room and followed me when I went to get snacks," she laughed.

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