Chapter Twenty-Five - Burgers With a Side of Gossip

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Chapter Twenty-Five – Burgers With a Side of Gossip

"ME AND HOLDEN BROKE UP." That was all I needed to say to Elaine in the bathroom that morning for the news to spread like wildfire through the school. We'd made sure that Shannon, the self-appointed gossip queen of Pemberton, had overheard it. She sure lived up to her reputation.

"So, are you ready to tell me what's going on?" Elaine asked as we sat one of the empty tables in the far, empty corner of the cafeteria. I took a deep breath and told her everything.

"I'm so upset!" She exclaimed, furrowing her eyebrows.


"You guys were so cute." I just shrugged. "I can't believe you guys were just faking it."

"Promise you won't tell a soul," I said gravely.

"Of course. Who would I tell?" She grinned. "Besides..." she began with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"This doesn't sound good," I replied hesitantly.

"Now that you're officially back on the market, I can help you find a cute boy!"

"I think I've had enough of boys," I said slowly. More like I needed to wait for a certain one to get back from the Swiss Alps so I could work out what the hell had happened on the rooftop, but whatever.

With how hectic everything had been, I'd managed to suppress – at least partially – my anxieties about the Logan and Holden situation. Not actually seeing either of them on the first day back didn't hurt either.

Had Holden's dad said anything to him yet? I pulled out my phone and sent him a message.

D: Are you guys seriously in the Swiss Alps?

He replied almost instantly.

H: No? We're at a conference with the parentals

D: Rumour has it you're skiing in the Alps that's why

H: We'll be back in a week tops – go do something spontaneous while I'm gone ;)

"Smiling at your phone ey? See what I mean by it was totally believable?" Elaine grinned. She propped her elbows up on the table, resting her chin in her hand. "Now, which of these boys is marriage material..." She pondered. "I'm surprised you guys didn't just fall in love and date for real."

I rolled my eyes. Fake dating was close enough to novel reality, let alone falling in love as a result. The bell tolled and Elaine walked me to my biology class, waving as we parted ways.

The eager chatter in the class fell into a quiet hush as I found my seat. "Hey," Wes said, opening up his textbook.

"Hey," I replied, setting my stuff down beside his.

"Sorry to hear know."

"Yeah," I said awkwardly. There wasn't really anything sad about the end of a fake relationship. "We're still good friends though," I added, trying to make it seem normal that I wasn't heartbroken.

Thankfully, the teacher began the lesson and I didn't have to continue the conversation. I was convinced that this would go on for a week, tops. It wouldn't be interesting unless there was more drama. I was going to make sure there was no more drama.

My phone buzzed and I peeked at it from my pocket. Parker had been AWOL since the night of the gala and hadn't said a single thing about what had happened. So, I came up with the lamest excuse I could possibly have thought of and texted him first.

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