Chapter Fifty-One - Iridescent

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Yellow Lights – Harry Hudson

I thought this song was quite fitting for the end of this journey. I absolutely love the lyrics.

Chapter Fifty-One – Iridescent

My eyes fluttered open and as my vision cleared, even though I was on my side with my back towards Parker, I could see his arm was still outstretched across me. The reception party didn't finish until the early hours of the morning and we were so tired that we went straight to sleep in what we'd been wearing. Parker was still asleep, his chest rising and falling gently. The wedding had gotten me thinking about what our future would look like, and part of it scared me, because I loved him more than I thought I ever could. So much so that my heart raced just thinking about him, and the knowledge that if things changed, it would shatter me.  

I tried to sneak out of bed to get ready early but failed when he stirred. He tightened the arm around me and pulled me in close before nuzzling up to my neck, sending jolts of electricity through me. "Let's just stay like this a little longer," he said. I turned around to face him. Tooclosetooclosetooclose. Our faces were mere inches away from each other.

If anything, I was firstly freaking out about how disheveled I probably looked and how bad my morning breath was. I quickly turned again to lie on my back. "We need to check out and witch hotels you know," I said.

"Thanks for coming to the wedding with me," he said.

"Thank you for always being there for me," I replied. I cleared my throat to jam down the emotions that were rising. How could he look so perfect after just waking up?

"Thank you. For everything."

"Come on, we have to pack, get breakfast and move to the other hotel," I said, changing the topic, getting out of bed.

"Noo," he groaned, throwing the sheets back over his head.

"You're kidding," I laughed. I crawled back onto the bed, yanking the sheets off before dragging him by the arm to the edge of the bed. "You are such a baby."

We eventually checked out just in time to avoid penalty before driving to The Grand Vermont, an extravagant tower of a building by the shore. Just as we pulled our suitcases up to the reception, Stephanie and Logan came in through the doors laughing and talking.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, waving. They both waved back and quickened their pace towards us.

"Hey!" Stephanie replied, setting her suitcase next to mine. "How was the wedding?"

"It was beautiful. It felt so magical. Like a fairytale!" I gushed like a child.

"As expected. Ashton was always the more romantic one," Stephanie said with a smirk, looking over in Parker's direction.

"Woah there! Why are you suddenly attacking me?" Parker replied.

"You popped into the picture just when I thought he was going to be forever alone," Stephanie giggled.

"So, how'd you guys get down here?" Parker asked.

"We drove. Traffic was so bad it's obvious it's summer break," Logan replied.

"I see," Parker said in a suggestive tone. Just then, Elaine came out from the adjacent elevators with a grin plastered onto her face. She came flying at me at full speed, hugging me.

"I've checked in for us girls already," she grinned. "Holden saved us the VIP suites on the top floor. Our suite is adjoined with the guys'!"

"VIP suite!?" I exclaimed. She nodded solemnly.

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