Chapter Twenty-Nine - to be a coward

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Chapter Twenty-Nine – to be a coward

"HEY, ARE YOU FEELING BETTER?" I asked Wes, assuming he was absent on Thursday because he was sick.

"Yeah I'm good. Thanks," he smiled back before looking back down at his book.

"Ready for the game?" I grinned.

"Yep." He didn't even look up at me. I saw him glancing from side to side at everyone around the room. Not very chatty. I could practically feel the chills from beside him. Awkwardly waiting for class to begin, I started spinning my pen, only to flick it off the table.

I smiled awkwardly and hopped out of my seat to go grab it. Only then did Wes look up momentarily before looking away again.

"Just double checking, it was seven tonight right?"

His eyes flickered towards me momentarily again before he responded with a "yep." If the whole avoiding me thing was a shy trait, it certainly hadn't come up before. He didn't normally act like that.

I gave up on trying to talk to him, but people continued to look at us. For the rest of the lesson, even after we'd been assigned exercises, Wes barely spoke to me, only answering my questions, usually with one-worded answers.

Human biology was usually one of my more bearable classes, but if every class in the future was going to be like that, it was quickly becoming one of my worst classes.

As per usual, I met Elaine in the cafeteria for lunch. "With everything that's happened I haven't even had time to talk to you about your date tonight," Elaine grinned, obviously trying to distract me from the obvious.

"I don't think it's a date. Wes was being hell weird in bio today," I replied.

"Weird like how?" Elaine asked, shoveling salad into her mouth.

"I don't know. Normally he's talkative, he gave me like one worded answers mostly."

"Maybe he's suddenly nervous or shy?" She suggested. "You guys are still going for dinner tonight, right?"

"I'm assuming so. I mean, he hasn't said anything." Then I remembered I still didn't have anyone to use the second ticket to the game. "Also, come with me to the football game tonight. I can't go alone."

"I promised my parents I'd be home for dinner in exchange for letting me go out later tonight. I'm so sorry Daisy," she replied.

"Why do I have no other friends?" I whined.

The bell tolled to signal the end of our break.

"Ok, so I'll come pick you up after dinner at about nine? And then we go eat all of Clarissa's food, drink all her booze, yes?" Elaine confirmed one last time.

"Sounds good," I laughed, overlooking the 'drink all her booze' aspect of Elaine's plan.


Physics was the second last class of the day. I'd managed to temporarily forget that I no longer had anyone to sit with in physics, so coming at the usual time was no a wise decision. Almost everyone was already inside by the time I arrived. My usual spot was still empty.

I spotted Holden and Parker in their usual seats, talking to Steph. I kept my head down and quickly walked towards an empty seat in the opposite corner of the room. From memory, the seat was usually unoccupied.

Me changing seats in physics was probably enough for everyone to notice and start speculating about, but sitting next to the people who'd stabbed me in the back was arguably worse.

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