Chapter Twenty - Plans

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** Dedicated to @prisca_08 for your continuous support and pushing me to update!! **

Chapter Twenty - Plans

Wes waved as I approached chemistry class. He was leaning against his lockers, books slung by his side. "Hey there," he said.

"Hey. How was your weekend?" I asked, despite it being Thursday already.

"Not too bad. I went to my little sister's piano recital on Saturday night, and then dinner with the family on Sunday," he said.

"Cute. How old's your sister?"

"She's eight. She's a piano prodigy or something," he grinned.

"Very cool." I'd tried the piano once when I was younger, but it wasn't my thing. There was way too much coordination required. That, and I had patience thinner than a strand of hair.

"Are you coming to the Fundraising Gala on Saturday?" He asked. I nodded.

"What about you?"

"Yeah. Guess I'll see you there," he smiled.

Elaine came down through the hallway, giving me an exaggerated wave.

"Excited for bio?" I laughed.

She pretended to gag and rolled her eyes before continuing to zip down the hallway. I laughed to myself, looking back in time just to catch Wes looking at me like I was insane.

Having finished our practical segment of the last topic, we moved back to having lectures on the content again. As I was on my way out of class, Wes stopped me by the door.

"I almost forgot," he began. "I'm having a party at mine on Sunday night, do you and Holden want to come?"

"Probably," I replied, doubting that Holden would turn down any party invite. "I'll double check with Holden and let you know."


I got to the next class – physics – ten minutes early, settling in to wait for Parker to get there. I hadn't managed to run into him at all. The other students slowly came in and Parker entered a few minutes before Mr Michaels did. He sat down behind me calmly as if he hadn't had a dress and cheque delivered to my house the afternoon before.

I spun around in my chair. "What was the dress for?" I whispered, trying to keep my voice down.

"Interest. I thought the note made it pretty clear," he replied nonchalantly.

"That dress looked expensive. I don't charge exorbitant interest rates. I give you back the dress, you get me an ice cream and we can call it even."

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it, Pizza. It wasn't that expensive. Besides, did it fit? If not, I can get it altered."

"It fit fine. Thanks," I replied glumly. In fact, it fit like a glove. Damn well perfectly. I couldn't have picked a better dress for myself if I had tried. "How did you know it would fit?" I interrogated.

"I've seen you soaking wet in a thin shirt," he smirked. My expression probably said it all because he soon amended the statement. "And Stephanie helped me."

Mr Michaels started up the projector. Two columns appeared with names on the left and percentages on the right.

"You might have already heard from last year's seniors, but I like to keep my class competitive. These are your current standings as of the first month. There's still plenty of time to change your marks," Mr Michaels announced.

I scanned the list for my name. I was currently seventh in the class with an average of ninety four percent. My heart sank.

"What's up?" Parker asked.

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