Chapter 2

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Previously on Dragon Mating Season

"Hey Gray are you ok?" Lucy asked.

"Just a little hot but nothing serious," I said.

"But you're sweating bullets," she said with a concerned look.
Gray's POV

"What do you mean I sweating bullets?" I asked.

"She means you look over heated dumbass," Kinana said glaring at me. Note to self, stay on Kinana's good side.

"I feel fine Lucy, go help Levy while I cool of a bit," I said reassuring her. Lucy nodded and helped Levy the best way she could.

"Where's Natsu?" a voice said. I turned around to see Yukino.

"Nobody has seen him, and only Happy knows where his, and he won't tell us, why do you need Natsu?" I asked.

"Sting and Rouge are acting very strange, and since he's a dragon Slayer I thought he could help," she said.

"How strange are they acting?" Erza asked.

"A few hours ago Sting locked himself in his office for an hour then came out asking for Rouge, but nobody has seen Rouge all day, he's not on a mission so he would at least stop by to hi," she said worried.
At Sabertooth a few hours ago
Yukino's POV

"How long has it been?" I ask a little impatiently.

"45 minutes," Rufus said.

"This isn't like Sting," I said said getting worried.

"This is good for him, he might be getting some done," Minerva said rubbing my back.

"Have any of you seen Rouge," Orga said.

"No, where do you think he could be?"  Minerva asked. I looked over and saw Lector trying to leave. I guess Minerva saw this too because she grabbed him.

"Where are you going?" she asked him.

"I-I'm s-sworn t-to secretcy," Lector stuttered out.

"What's the secret?" I asked.

"Urg, where's Rouge," someone said. I turned around to see Sting with his head in the table, looking like was about to cry.
-----------------------------------------------------------Back at Fairytail
Lucy's POV

"None of this is making any sense, We haven't seen any of our dragon slayers all day, you haven't seen Rouge all day, but Sting and some people here are acting strange," I said.

"You're right, nothing is adding up," Erza said.


I turn around to see Racer with bruises on his body, on the floor. Jellal, Merdey, Angel, Midnight, and Richard are behind him. I looked behind them to see Cobra in a cage.

"What's going on?" I asked very worried.

"We need help," Jellal said.

"With what," Gray asked him.

"With Cobra, None of us know what happened to him," Jellal said as Cobra banged himself against the cage.

"We'll see what we can do," Erza said.

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