Chapter 20

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Previously on Dragon Mating Season

"S-sure I'd love to, we are mates after all," I said. He smiled and started leaning in. OMG it happening, WHAT DO I DO? Then he kissed me, I was beat red, buy slowly but surely I kissed back.
At Sabertooth
Sting's POV

"Do you think him acting the way he is because of his mate?" Minerva asked.

"I don't even know who his mate is, so if it is we don't know who to go to," I said.

"Do you have any ideas on who his mate is?" She asked.

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" I random voice said. We turned and saw Yukino.

"Rouge came, then ran away after a conversation with Sting," Minerva said.

"Did you two get in a fight," Yukino asked looking over at me.

"No, but he did seem upset after I said something," I said.

"What did you say?" Minerva asked.

"I told him who my mate is," I said.

"Do you think he's jealous?" Minerva asked.

"Hold on a second, I'm confused, I know about dragon mating season, but what are you talking about?" Yukino asked.

"Rouge came by the guild hall after you left, it looked like he didn't want to talk to anyone, had conversation with Sting then took off," Minerva said.

"He left because he upset, he got upset after I told him his mate," I said.

"Who is your mate?" Yukino asked.

"U-um, w-well you see, m-my m-mate is y-you," I stuttered out blushing.

"W-well I'm flattered, but are you sure your mate is me?" She asked lightly blushing.

"Well yeah, of course I am, what kind of a question is that?" I asked.

"Well the mating season book said the mate of a white dragon would the dragon's favorite body part light up, none of my body parts have even showed signs of glowing," she said.

"That is odd," I said getting confused.

"Then she isn't you're mate," Minerva said.

"I could've sworn she is," I said.

"That's what's probably making Rouge feel this way," Yukino said.

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