Chapter 21

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Previously on Dragon Mating Season

"That's what's probably making Rouge feel this way," Yukino said.
At Natsu's house
Rouge's POV

"Hey, umm... How did you know I was a submissive?" Natsu asked.

"Only male submissive's noses work, and submissives and dominants have different smells," I said.

"Now I feel dumb," Natsu said. I chuckled.

"Are you ever going to tell Gray?" I asked.

"I don't know, he and I always fight so it's hard to tell him, and If I do tell him what if he says no I'll be broken, if he says I have to deal with Juvia, and and-" Natsu rambled on and I iterupted him.

"Then he'll help you."
With Gray
Gray's POV

I left the market and went home feeling really confused. Why would Naysu defend a person who doesn't even like him back? Why do I feel a little jealous about it? Why am I still over heating? I'm an ice wizard, my body temperature should be very low not this high. I'm in front of my house and everything is starting to go black, this heat is going to kill me.


No one's POV

Gray fell on the ground panting and sweating. Lucky for him though Juvia left the guild after the talk with the master and started stalking on him again. She rushed over to seeing what's wrong. She feels his forehead, it's hot. So she takes him to the guild hall.

Juvia's POV

I carry Gray~sama back to FairyTail. When we get there everyone looks at me weirdly.

"I went for a walk and found Gray~sama passed out in front of his house," I said taking him to the infirmary.

"I think he had a heat stroke, so we need to cool him down," I said.

"We know one other person who uses ice magic," Mira said.

"I'll contact his his guild," Master said.
At Lamia Scale
Lyon's POV

"Lyon, you need to go to FairyTail," Master Ooba said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You need to help Gray."

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